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1 month ago. August 5, 2024 at 1:22 AM

"Baby, I am going to put a thermometer in your butt, relax your cheeks", said Mistress, her hands resting on bare bottom.


Whenever she calls me "Baby", I melt, my cock stands up at attention, and my entire being fills up with warmth, she knows that her words have this effect on me, she uses them as she pleases, and I wait for them throughout the day, today I lay naked on my stomach so my cock can only force itself into the mattress and my body temperature will show on the thermometer for sure. I relax my cheeks.


I know her caring gaze is looking down at me, as my body's erogenous zones light up, my hard nipples and cold soles of my feet, i hear her open a Vaseline box, she runs her finger through it as my body keeps overtaking my mind, she parts my cheeks, with one of her hands. I let out a sigh, her touch takes down my final line of defence, I hope do not cum in these sheets, she will be angry.


"Relax, puppy", she whispers as she puts her finger on my anus, the cold wax making contact first, and disappearing in me as her finger dives into me. "Shhh", she coos as I let out a moan, and my hips wiggle around her finger, she controls my motions with her free hand, guiding me to move around her digit deep in my anus.


"Who's a good boy?", she asks calmly as her finger moves around in my opening. "I am", my whisper is filled with lust that I cannot control. She gently removes her finger from me, and wipes it on a towel she placed on the small of my back.


I hear a glassy clink as she takes out the thermometer from the first aid kit she keeps packed with her, she jerks the thermometer around, and checks for the mercury's position in the clear tube, coating the bulb with some more Vaseline she parts my cheeks once again, this time little less than earlier.


"Who's a goo boy?" before I could answers she thrusts the thermometer in my anus, I let out a sigh. My cock is twitching in the bed, my precum had made the sheets wet. "I... am", I muster.


"This will take some time pup, I will be back in a few minutes, stay put", she gently slaps my left cheek and gets up to leave.


"I will Ma'am", I speak before she can leave.


"Good Boy", her smooth voice replies.


1 month ago. July 28, 2024 at 3:06 PM

Note to the Reader: This is my first story, please be kind


I sit at the dinning table looking out the balcony, its the first day of our vacation, mistress has decided to take us out to Tuscany for a full week, I cant wait to go out and explore the wonderful city. The warm sand of the beaches, playful nudeness, unbothered tourists, old antique shops and cobbled stone roads, oh what a treat mistress has given to me. On the way here however I caught a little cold and mistress wont stop bothering me about it, I have told here that I am fine but she has turned into full mommy mode now. I know there is no stopping her and I love the attention too.


"Pup, come here and lie on the bed", she says as she walks in. She is wearing a long white dress that accentuates her curves, her brown hair falling on her strong frame and her beautiful blue eyes look straight into mine. Even though she is such a treat, I am feeling a bit bratty


"No", I pout back at her, the cool breeze carries my defiant words to her, I know I am in for a spanking now for sure.


She looks at me and cracks a smile, her pink lips give way to her pearly teeth, everything about her is perfect. "Is that so pup.", she says confidently and starts walking towards me, her white Louis Vuitton's pounding slowly on on the marble below. 


She walks right over to me and holds my chin in her hands, I look at her beautiful face and she lifts my body with her finger on my lips, I stand taller to her and she her head looks up at me, when she says, "Pup, mommy thinks her little boy is sick, I need to check you are allright baby? I dont want to punish a sick baby boy, so do as I say".


Her kindness. I no longer know what I am, I am only for her, to serve her, to be her, she is mine too, my mommy. "Yes Mommy, I will go to the bed."


I lay down on the bed facing her, as she starts unbuttoning my shirt, she takes down my trousers and fixes her fingers in the waistband of my briefs, she smiles up at me while she pulls it down, vulnerable and cold I must look so terrible to her eyes, i think. She looks back at me with only kindness and love. 


"Turn over pup, she pats my thighs". I do as she says and turn over my face in the bed. I hear her leave the room as I lay there naked waiting for something to happen. She strokes my buttocks as she says, "Pup, lay here while mommy gets some stuff."


to be continued (i ran out of imagination)