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Blacks howling

A continuation of howling at the moon. A poets journey of self healing that used to contain lamination of love, courtship, and chasing. It will now be filled love,patience, and love letters to thee. You know who you are.
12 hours ago. December 20, 2024 at 11:03 PM

You are my healer, and as my eyes see her,


As easy as tides walk in, I love her,


She is ocean breeze on summer nights,


Firefly lights in majesty,


Awe inspiring, honor inducing, fairy,


Whom has not stolen, but freely holds heart,


For her precense peels back timely wounds,


Dresses them in ease and pampers them,


She in golden eyes, sees me in manner,


To which you would not believe,


For kindness, friendship, and intimacy have taken me,


And as I am worthy at her word,


She may have me,


For to many days spent folly,


To many alone,


To many worrying why I was not enough,


For when rain fell and I was fallen with it,


She is the umbrella,


The sun,


The words I love you written plainly,


And all the ones who can't see you in my eyes,


They do not speak for the world,


Nor do I,


But such ill try to give the same in words above,


To be a heart and healer in a world filled with malice,


Because joy is a choice, a gesture,


You my love, embodied it with ease,



Continuous and loving,



3 months ago. September 17, 2024 at 5:29 PM

She is that whom walks with waves of summer days,

When winter scoffs at her feet as the cold golded faye,

In those days of wintry grasp and stunning benediction,

She folds the rains as if they bended by her very diction,

As I view her in such reverious appetite to savor again luscious skin,

I do not have to remind myself to let her in,

For she walked into this space as she owned from that very moment,

Became the loudest audience, my biggest proponent,

To stare and state alike in fine wine eyes.

That aloud we stated in unison,

I want you...

3 months ago. September 13, 2024 at 10:31 PM

How does small talks build like blocks,

Finding notes in keys so eloquently,

Knowledge she knows what can undo me,

To gaze upon for so long and slowly wonder,

How anyone did not see thee like a trampling,

As an avalanche down hill with beautiful eyes,

It is beyond me,

That someone with wit, beauty, and capability,

Does not have a line of suitors begging attention as royalty does,

That when you are near I can count the luck I spent,

Every penny fallen since,

A fortune I wish to spend on it,

For you are as water to a duck, and grass to a deer,

As does conversation with you sustains me,

It wipes away old worries, and kills the lonely,

As if that feeling never wained at all,

And the vastness of your importance hit me as such a way,

As tidal waves surely come to shore,

That I don't worry about insignificant things,

But am I a better man day by day?

For me, and whatever our future may lead.

3 months ago. September 13, 2024 at 1:03 PM

This is what peace is,

Not intense laughter or the pleasure thereafter,

It is not piles of money or the many words in honey,

It is not the way she looks or the way she cooks,

It is not soul mates, red strings and the fates,

It's words and acts, Living in reality and fact,

An intensity and propensity to romance thee,

To give so much love, that rivals the definition from above,

So that heartaches, and bad takes from before are no more,

To heal wounds long forgotten, and Un do that knot in,

That had fumbled you for so long, and watch it finally be gone,

Real love is peace, it makes you weak, and builds in that same breath,

And you my faye, my queen, my love personify this. 


3 months ago. September 9, 2024 at 4:12 AM

On such a way that her touch calms the things that give to chaos,


As tidal waves of them come she but waves and wash,


They vanish as phantoms do in foresty nights,


Give way again to sultry sights,


Oh how she has me in such bindings,


To come to mental acuity of those findings,


That in her grasp I am not victim nor slave,


I am no mindless toy, or royaltys knave,


For she my queen holds me to kingly heights,


The demons she stares down and dares them to start fights,


The days limited in number but greater accumulation of lifted emotion,


The way she holds me as does a caring ocean,


The vastness of her wisdom at core of best of wants or needs,


For even she to God in my case pleads,


That bad days of unholy night turns to moon lot romances,


No more of anxietys deadly lances,


But a calm mind, with better words, In this world my heart she holds,


That past mistakes are not lakes, but tiny creeks that seem to bold,


But alas looking at the past now, it lesson after lesson from divinity,


That those days where a learning session not my enemy,


And all I see ahead is a life in love led,


Communicative talks with my head in lap in bed,


About dinner, my day, and how I've been,


No more emotional bandages in my head,


No more if tommorow ill be alive or dead,


Just the mind, body and soul to mend,


From this day until God says it is my end....

3 months ago. September 5, 2024 at 5:46 PM

You are the Rainbow Eucalyptus on a sun toned hill,

Oh, the bewilderment of such pious colors,

I do live there, on days of darkened sky,

On days of a gloom who not perish,

I see thee as soft sunshine through soft rain,

Living as a reminder of the tenderness of this world,

As January summer, To as is winter December,

You are not mere gemstone, but living embodiment of betterment,

To say such a way as in to fail not in healing thine soul,

To mend broken places long forgotten,

And become a hero as was intended,

For villainous thoughts are bred from a hero's yield,

Whom refuses to tend thineself in that moment,

Who surrenders to hate instead of staying other's binding,

I gave into hate,

And you my love are such reminder,

That love is not woven in pretty words to sweet surrender,

But an unyielding indomitable spirit saying to the dragon....






3 months ago. September 4, 2024 at 7:44 PM

I have seen the hue of the moon and stars,

They pale in thy eyes whom reach as far,

Those gems stir me in more of a manner,

Given mental hammer, oh how I stammer,

My speech is sturred and my face blushed,

The heat in myself is stirred and rushed,

For I am turned and ever feverish,

How she speaks and I recieve her,

And alas if my words falter my love,

I hath seen demons trill thereof,

With lack of love and darkness bound,

Chased around by hellish hound,

Seen the smiles of devilish grin,

Where it wins, the devils sin,

But to hold darkness and create light,

That is a sight,

From amber jewels come acts of purity,

Words of kindness and maturity,

I feel almost lacking,

Jaw slacking,

At the awe and magnificence,

At our grace and eloquence,

I even jest at I may not be enough,

But even this folly is rebuffed,

I returned to it with such fervor,

To say as such I heard her,

So she may forever very wild.

3 months ago. August 29, 2024 at 5:49 PM

I have seen the eyes of despair and lonely,


Who begs with soft kisses to be your one and only,


It comforts and takes while it slowly sips sanity,


It wrinkles the face and clouds the mind in vanity,


It fights hunger, family and friends,


It will never give you amends,


It is the slow drowning without frowning in public space,


The bitter sweet nostalgic taste,


Of wine that soured to soon,


The look upon stars and crescent moon,


To wonder when it will end.




3 months ago. August 25, 2024 at 9:03 PM

I wish to love you in front of them loudly,


So they can see the lack of theirs so soundly,


To see effervescent glow as iridescent snow smiled on you,


Where they lacked to give, failed to touch a soul as sapphire blue,


Due to a mental variant, or polluted experience however small,


They didn't give it all, I am the sewing in weave of broken bones, one and all,


From your broken heart, and faulted song whoever along I take them on,


I will mend as they were mine, and sheen them to once again be new,


Because the magic of fairies had been ruined and viled,


Where anger and sadness like a damn complied, 


I will be the one to end it all, so tears are only in happiness,


And hugs in abundance so your healing heart may once again sing,


So we will finally be free.

4 months ago. August 6, 2024 at 1:29 PM

In search of gold we lost our diamonds,

Now we relive the past behind us,

Sleeping beauty now in horror screaming,

No longer magic we are believing,

A past haunts like future endeavors,

It chains us, trying to bind in forevers,

As true loves kiss, it holds its place,

Flustered beautiful face to face,

But those Diamonds were not gone,

They hung above all along,

Holded hand without revery,

Broken hearts no longer emery,

Lost is Hades to faded memory,

Oh to find her my Persephone,

Perfuming bliss and memory,

Like hands that held all along,

Chorded notes illuminous song,

Styx on sticks, drumming loud,

It ran, it ran away the clouds,

Now the moon shies on,

True love was never gone.