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How to respect

Initial talk between subs and Doms
4 years ago. November 9, 2019 at 11:29 PM

I have been talking to lots of people and sub missives, but sometimes when you start talking to a certain submissive, you feel connected and you feel she is the one that  you want even though you just know her for maybe few hours , however if feels like weeks or even months.

Lots of people saying that the connection between the sub and her Master takes long time, but I kind of disagree on that. of course time will give the required trust and deeper connection., but to start the relation it might take way less time which feels like long time with the right compatible sub.

it happens to me personally only very few times..........just my thoughts.........

4 years ago. October 21, 2019 at 3:40 AM

I have been around this lifestyle for very long now and I joined the site here a little over a year and I have seen too many fake Dominants that will do every single thing to take any sub that comes to the site. When I start talking to a sub , I talk diligently and I demand for her to concentrate and not to talk to too many Doms at the same time , that does not mean that we mutually agree to be sub/DOM but it give us a chance to know each other and if things goes well we can escalate to the other level. Unfortunately most of the time she ususally talks to other wannabe DOM that tells her to block the other Doms instead of having an integrity and respect the other talks . Really disappointed of how many wannabe Doms deceiving any new sub that comes to the site .