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Twisty Turny, Laugh, and Learny!

Perspective! Mine is different from yours, as everyones is different from everyone else's. Different perspectives offer different insights, different ways of learning. Are you open to learning something new?
4 weeks ago. April 2, 2024 at 4:01 PM

Sacred kink, as put forth in the book of the same name, is finding the divine through this lifestyle. Or putting the divine into the lifestyle, depending upon your point of view. The book delves into 8 paths, 8 ways to explore the altered states of consciousness that come about when one or more persons explore their kink. It could also be considered that this book offers up 8 kinks through those paths, or 8 ways of thinking. There are, of course, more paths that this book does not explore, but finding them and exploring them is part of the fun of sacred kink.

The 8 paths put forth in the book are as follows - Path of Meditation (a.k.a. Path of Breath), Path of Ritual, Path of Rhythm, Path of Asceticism, Path of Sacred Plants, Path of the Flesh, Ordeal Path, Path of the Horse.

After reading the book, my first reaction was "Huh. I've been living this without knowing this title for it." I have two added paths in my ways of living that are mentioned in the book but are not explored - Path of Madness, and Path of Laughter.

While this is only a brief description, it opens the way for the asking of questions. Ask away!