6 years ago. June 13, 2018 at 11:39 PM
“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.” ~Maya Angelou~
She was one on the ball down to Earth beyond richter scale intelligent said smart right on bottom dollar 2 cents I'd walk a mile to hear her speak words of wisdom wish she had been related to me kinda woman....I wish I had the chance to hear her speak or meet her...she rocks my soul with her words just words they are but the way she puts them together is WOW BANG BOOM ZOWIE BOOM BANG to my brain and soul....
Like why would you even want to spend any amount of time with anyone someone who doesn't laugh or make you laugh??!!!??? It should definitely be up there in the top 5 reasons why you like/love a person....not cause they speak intelligently with or at you...not cause they can organize your life, or you or think they know how to better than you do....but cause they laugh with you....enjoyment and joy are key to a relationship and having fun along the way....
I look back on my relationships and the best ones having fun experinces always involved laughing....my relationships that were not lover/sexual/based with friends, family others of any type, the best memory meaningful moments in time were with people who I spent time laughing.....I have recollections of being with people ones, who I hold dear, those that I miss or keep contact with is because of having spent time laughing with them.....
Anyone you can be comfy to open up and let loose enough to drop your guards to just deep down belly laugh is special...someone who will make you laugh so hard that tears stream down your face when you are talking hanging out with them one on one or in an intimate group with creates a bond a memory in our minds....it floods us with feelings of pure enjoyment....
Yes I don't trust those who don't laugh or don't seem to want to laugh have some fun at least a few times a day....those that preach about how one is only moving forward and being structured if they are doing this that and the other thing at all times...Judging my cover my life instead of just trying to laugh with me and getting to know me.....laugh live or you won't last:);):);)
PEACE2U 1cg/1crazygirl/sarah