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Dreams and Passions

4 years ago. March 30, 2020 at 11:54 AM

There is an aspect of respect that seems to be missing. Listening. Not to just hear people talk but actually open your mind and listen to the words. Like listening to a song that touches your heart not only are you listening to the words of the song but the melody of the song. Different layers speak to you in different ways. Listen to not only other people but to yourself. The ebb and flow of the heart is powerful if you let it in and respect not only other people but yourself.

4 years ago. March 27, 2020 at 6:05 PM

She sits and watches the shadows on the wall.

Dancing like puppets on a string

The darkness is calming has the shapes change with the reflection of the light

She senses his presence in the room, but she remains quiet and still

He walks towards her and places a hand in her hair, knowing she is lost in thought

His touch is comforting as she leans into his hand without thought

Sitting together as the light dwindles outside and the darkness spreads to night

Her acceptance grows, the glowing ember brightening 

For he ignites her dark fantasies and sets her soul on fire...

5 years ago. September 19, 2018 at 1:07 AM