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What is a Daddy Dom, and How to Treat Your (Adult) Little Girl

In my opinion the Daddy/girl dynamic is the most precious and loving of all relationships to this bdsm life style. I am a Dom- and yet it is the right adult lil girl - who truly makes me a beautiful Daddy Dom who makes my girl feel like the most precious woman in the world. She feels cherished, adorned, loved, and spoiled to pieces. But yet, without her at my side, I am not complete, I am not whole, and feel as if I cannot breathe.

What is paramount to first know and try to understand- is that this is NOT about incest in any way, shape, or form ! It is more the of a softer Dom- Daddy type figure in a very caring softer loving way--- ( in my opinion)

Also in the relationship Daddy in turn feels wanted, needed, adored and almost worshiped by His lil girl. He is almost everything to her. His ( adult) lil girl/s will do almost anything to please Daddy, to make him happy. They believe that Daddy knows best and He knows that His lil girl loves her Daddy more then anything. Daddy will teach her how to fulfill the relationship. He will always listen to her opinion (she has a voice) , thoughts and feelings, because He is interested in her mind, because he loves intelligence. However, when there is an important decision to be made, His should be the final word. ( Just my opinion) Truly when the little girl becomes submissive to Daddy, and as her Daddy Dom- (the two being both) then this really becomes that so magical of all relationships in the bdsm realm... (again in my humble opinion)


The following is a collection of various authors' writings with My own thoughts mingled in as well. Although I credit each author, I've noticed less careful readers mistake these writings for my own. Even though I have injected my own feelings here and there, I do not claim the work below. It is simply a compilation of passages meant for anyone who finds them helpful.

Some others have written:
The misconceptions surrounding this aspect of D/s. Most think that it involves a father/daughter relationship. That isn't quite true, Daddy/little girl is a much different level. First you should say that in my relationship my Dom is not my father, he is nothing like my father, and you have no need for him to replace your father. He is however a Daddy. You dont need to engage in age play specifically ( beyond the occasional school girl fantasy ) you are always all woman, and always a very independent woman. Daddy does have the ability to make you feel like a little girl, but yet you are still an adult, however, a very cherished and sometimes needy little girl. It is a feeling that you will revel in, it is the safest place you have ever been, and it allows you the freedom to be all that you are without fear of reprisals. You feeling safe and comfortable with Daddy is truly which allows your liitle girl inside you to wish to come out of her Big girl persona.

What makes a person a Daddy Dom?

First and foremost he loves his adult little girl. She is his prized possession. His eyes light up when she walks into the room and he takes great pride in her successes. After all, he helped to create her. She holds the most tender part of his heart and has the greatest power to hurt him. Seeing her hurt however is not something a Daddy Dom wants. He sees it as his job to protect her, both from the outside world and herself. He may love the pleasure-pain aspect in an intimate play session- , but he hates to be the one to hurt her for selfish reasons and should never prey on her emotional state.

It hurts him to have to punish her , but he knows it is sometimes necessary. This takes great strength on his part. It takes strength to control her, and to shape her to his needs and desires. It takes strength to be her confidant, her shoulder, her anchor. It takes strength to let her out into the world when all he wants to do is hold her safe in his arms. And it takes strength to do what is necessary when she needs to be disciplined.

A Daddy Dom knows the value of discipline, though at times his soft heart gets the best of him. He knows that in order for his little girl to be the best she can possibly be he must stand firm. He uses his experience in life and his knowledge of her to provide proper direction and punishment when the need arises. He knows this hurts her, and that tears at his heart, but he also knows it is for her own good.

A Daddy Dom provides something else that is very important to his submissive, and that is <>. She is safe in his arms because he knows everything about her, and he still loves her. When she goes to him she knows that this man knows all of her dirty little secrets and it doesn't matter. To him she is beautiful.

Many may be thinking what separates a Daddy Dom from any other BDSM Dom. In most cases very little. Hopefully all Doms provide love, strength, protection, discipline, and acceptance. Daddy Doms should be a kinder, gentler softer, Dom. There is something infinitely magical about a Daddy Dom. Perhaps it is something only a little girl can understand.

Daddy/ adult little girl- does not refer to the ages, real or pretend, of the participants. Nor does it imply closet desires. It refers to the environment that two people have created. A Daddy Dom is so named because of the qualities he possesses and the service he provides.

So, what are these qualities?

What is a Daddy Dom? A Daddy Dom wants to be His girl's world. He wants to be able to provide for your every need and care. But more than that he wants to give you His heart mind and soul, and in turn, have you, that little girl become his morning, noon , and night. He believes more in you than you believe in yourself.

He accepts every part of you and works to emphasize the good while improving the bad. He loves you as much for who you are, and as for who you will become with his guidance. It is this love that allows him to train you. He could not invest so much of himself in someone he did not love completely. This love would not be possible without respect.

A Daddy Dom needs to feel great pride for his girl. He needs to know you can hold your own in the outside world and still submit to him. He holds the greatest respect for the gift she has given him and takes great pains to increase it's value. It is extremely important to him to know she can be with any man and yet she chooses to be with him. He knows that this makes discipline a priority in their lives, more important than in some other D/s relationships.

In order for the little girl to really trust she must know Daddy means what he says. He must constantly deepen her respect for him. If he does not enforce discipline, this respect becomes a tenuous thing. If you the submissive finds that your can manipulate Daddy out of punishing her, she begins to lose respect and the ability to empower becomes impeded. ( This as a Daddy cannot happen)

He needs to empower her as much as he wants to possess her and it becomes increasingly difficult to be possessed by someone you do not respect. The discipline is also important when it comes to her protection, both from those outside the relationship and those within. Daddy is the one who makes the decisions about how she will relate to the world in general and his discipline ensures that she follows these rules. All Doms have a bit of the Daddy in them, taking on the role of male authority figure in their submissive's life and using their power to enrich that life. Daddy/little girl verbalizes that feeling, and adds a dimension of warmth, caring, and ritual that it's participants crave.

This special bond is your safe place to also run and hide- when the real world in which you live now becomes too frightening , You have a Daddy to hold onto ....

And .....In every girl's life, there is a force, a presence, a Daddy, a Dominant she lives and breathes to love and honor. A Top is for tonight, a Dom is for however long they're needed, a Master as long as they seek Mastery, but a Daddy is forever

Caring for Your girl

Most all adult lil girls love to be spoiled ! And its not all who wish to be spoiled monetarily . Some want cuddles , praise for a job well done , some want extra Daddy time when the world is tough and just need that extra special touch that only a Daddy can have on her ... and no thats not guided towards a sexual nature ... because not all Daddy / lg relationships consist of sex , but most do , that depends on Y/your relationship ...

*girls just need all the special love and cuddles You can give them , some want it 24/7 , while others can go for days and not have their "little" need the attention ....

If You've never had a babygirl to care for , please do read all You can on the subject , chat to friends in this lifestyle , but above all.... speak with your " little " because in the end of it all... she is the one who will make You the happiest ... being a "little girl " has it's own very special rewards !

Things Y/you may not already know to do for her
As Y/you have already read in the pages before this one ( and i do hope that Y/you have read the pages before this one and not just skipped to this page ) babygirls are not an incest dirty lil secret . We are loving adult females whom just need special care from time to time . For some its 24/7 , others its an on again off again type of role play . My own care is 24/7 however " smiles " So for that reason i thought i would write something on the care of your babygirl . Again these are only my opinions and things that have helped my Daddy to care better for me or things He's shown me over time that work .
This will help in any relationship , whether lifestyle or vanilla ...

When she stares at you for no reason
ask whats on her mind , because something is there on her mind and she wants You to know

When she pushes you or challenges you
smile , and hold her , tell her You know this game and play with her , most " littles " love to wrestle about whether mental or physical

When she starts trying to act all tough
Kiss her and tell her you love her , hold her tightly and don't let go

When she's quiet
Ask her whats wrong , hardly any " little " I know is quiet unless something is wrong

When she ignores you
Give her your attention , in a positive way , she needs You most then

When she pulls away
[ Pull her back and don't let her go till the issue is resolved ]

When you see her at her worst
Tell her she's beautiful , and make her believe You , is those days when she will love You best

When she doesn't see herself beautiful , make her see herself thru Your eyes

When you see her start crying
Just hold her and dont say a word , this one is the most important of all i think
When you see her walking away
grab her and don't let go, tickle her , kiss her and make her feel loved

When she's scared
Protect her , " littles " have fears , especially when she feels her world as a " little " is threatened !

When she steals your favorite hat or shirt
Let her keep it and sleep with it , put some of Your cologne on it , make it a special gift she's taken

When she teases you
Tease her back and make her laugh , play with your babygirl , sometimes " littles " tease as a way to get to know Daddy

When she doesn't answer for a long time
reassure her that everything is okay , give her time , she may have a fear of talking to You

When she looks at you with doubt
Back yourself up , always make sure You're consistent , that builds a firm foundation for her to stand on

When she says that she loves you

When she grabs at your hands
Hold her's and play with her fingers , " littles " love Daddy's hands

When she bumps into you;
bump into her back and make her laugh , she is seeking attention , give it to her

When she tells you a secret
keep it safe and untold , even if its a dark secret of her's , she has trusted You to keep it

When she looks at you in your eyes
dont look away until she does , she wants to see herself in You

When she says it's over
she still wants You to be hers and she wants to be Yours , but something has happened to make her afraid , she is Your " little" for forever

If she calls You out of the blue
Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything.

If there is an argument
When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go , When she says she's ok don't believe it, talk with her because 10 yrs later she'll remember

Call her or wake her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her

Treat her like she's all that matters to you

Stay up all night with her when she's sick.

Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think it's stupid. When she cries kiss away her tears

When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is; "Whose ass am I kicking baby?"

If she can't sleep , read her a story

When her hair needs brushing before bed , grab her brush , have her sit below You and brush her hair slowly , show her her care is indeed something You want too

give her gifts as a surprise for being a good girl , " littles " love surprises !!

I hope you have a better understanding of what this Daddy/girl life style is truly all about...


Thank You For All Your Love & Comments, - the Above Credits Goes To
- MasterZchicago from 2002, Me and BDSM for Beginners Facebook page website.
5 years ago. August 6, 2018 at 1:28 AM


Picture yourself entering a darkened room only slightly in focus, by warm candle light. Suddenly your hair is yanked back- and you begin breathing heavy and your heart begins pounding so loud, your afriad its going to jump out of your chest. Before you take another step, a blind fold is quickly placed over your eyes ~ your sight is gone- you are guided to the bed by Him, and set down on your back--- slowly He undresses you, - and after He caringly removes your bra and undies, next within what seems only seconds you feel wrist and ankle cuff restrains securely attached to rope-that was pre positioned under the bed's, four corners- Tightly stretching each of your limbs back- you are spread eagle --- you want to talk- but become shy- He eases your mind and body with a soft gentle kiss- then two, and three-and then one last time with your tongues gently dancing together for a quick few seconds, before He pulls out- as you arch your back and whimper wanting more- "shhhh" He whispers to you-- and you hear the rustling of His bag- of "tricks N treats" - Suddenly you feel a soft sensation upon your silky stomach which makes you shiver- and you realize its a feather duster gently -softly caressing your body.... While He masterfuly allows the feather strokes to sweetly caress you-( without warning, your mouth and tongue is immersed with the taste of a sweet juicy orange slice he slides in and out to you, and you smile wide. You stick your tongue out for more- but instead, you feel His wet hot tongue being softly inserted deep into your mouth this time, - and as He wipes the juice off your tongue with his tongue---

You next hear the muffled sound of a switch being turned on- By this time your pussy is swollen wet and dripping pussy suddenly gets a simmering vibrating egg inserted into your moist vagina walls, - again you thrust your back upward, and moan and sigh wildly until your body turns the shock into pleasure- You sink and melt into the bed as if it were a quicksand pulling you down- as get totally lost as your pussy is now on fire with wanting more attention. Your clit is aching and throbbing itching and tingling terribly to be touched and pleased- Slowly now you feel His hot breath at your feet- suddenly your toes are getting sucked on- the sensation drives you crazy- and you begin giggling- because He is also tickling your feet... You moan, and shift your body...pounding your feet up and down while slamming your wrists into the mattress.

Again you hear Him go to his bag- (what is He getting next--you are pondering) and then you whisper that to Him..." What are you getting ??" Then as if magic -under your nose you smell the sweet scent of a red rose, and again you smile.... but the smile is turned into an anxious quiver, as the rose's thorned stem is placed upon your beautiful bare soft bare breasts, as He ever so gently rolls those thorns over those silky breasts whle slightly scraping your nipples. He kisses you even more passionately... Suddenly He trusts himself atop your chest, his knees between your beautiful torso- you feel the strength of His hand's grip under your chin, and then takes firmly your slender soft neck and throat- as He begins throttling your breath- intensifying your physical high- so many more senses now awaken- yet controlled by His every touch- He unties your wrists, and sits you up. What you cannot see is rope he has ready to bind your body with... You feel the erotic sensation of rope being applied to your sweaty moist skin, around the under area to your breasts and back- then within minutes your beautiful breasts are bound, - the blood from your lovely breasts trapped in His tight blue rope bonds- making your nipples very erect and each entire breast so very extra sensitiv- soft and swollen aching pillows to themselves now. You are then laid back down and re-tied to the bedposts.

You next feel His cock , - hard and erect as it glances over your mouth- He slaps your mouth with his cock- once then twice , as you open , begging to have Him trust it in- but alas the tease continues- your soft pouty lips want more- He gently -erotically- rotates the tip of His cock over your mouth's lips- each time you extend your tongue out as far as you can- as if trying to catch rain droplets from the sky- yet each time you extend He pulls His cock away. Without warning- He reaches back behind you- slides His fingers- one then two- deep inside your soft drenched aching pussy- now streaming with precum and juices that taste like honey- and it does-, - as He pulls His fingers out and sucks every one- before placing those same two finger inside your mouth for a tongue bath-of your own.

He then trusts in once more- grabs your hair-fist tight behind your head yanks your head back, - and He finally thrusts His throbbing cock deep in your mouth- -After the third thrust in- you finally gauge is size- and relax your throat- --good thing too, because the forth trust you take all your throat can handle- and his nearly 7 inches is now balls deep into your mouth where he just holds it there- as you gag once- then twice- as tears flow down the side of your face- until finally He releases. Your saliva flows down His shaft- You took His cock so beautifully without a fight- He is so proud of you- He could not resist but to softly kiss you , and dance his tongue with yours for many minutes- as you sigh in contentment- and wanting Him inside you now once more.

He removes the thorns from your breasts that have been there still- leaving lovely red scratch marks etched into your soft skin.... He slowly slides down your body- kissing you - stopping at each nipple and just sucking them as if a baby nursing his mothers sweet milk- The sensation fills you with a deep warmth- You begin to float- entering that first level of subspace now- finally the tip of His cock passes down and over your clit- and you sigh and moan- and arch your back , you wish to grab his ass and just thrust His cock inside you- but your wrists are bound- and again you pout- as the tip of His cock just touches your outer pussy lips- and He gently allows the first inch or two of HIM- His cock to just bask in your warm pussy juices just in and around your vagina... He then slightly trusts in, - then back out more- and repeats- then slides down even more- Again you are pouting- throwing a hissy fit even as you want to be fucked so badly now- Yet instead- you next feel His mouth sucking your toes-once more, first your right foot- his tongue warm and wet between each beautifully crafted lil toe of yours- His hands massaging the underside of your foot as He sucks and sucks on- the sensation drives you crazy---..

You hear more sounds coming from his leather bag- he lights a candle that yu cannot see- suddenly you hot sensation of candle wax dripping to your nipples, - you moan, shudder and release such a sigh and whimper of pleasure pain- as the wax quickly cools to your chilled skin... more wax and more still now running about your lovely smooth skin to each breasts... -- then as the heat subsides- He had an ice cube near by- you feel ice quickly applied- and more moans and sensuous sighs- arching your back- and pulling your bonds- the sensation drives you wonderfully crazy as you pond the bed all about over and over again once more..

Without warning He pulls that vibrating egg out of your pussy- the shock waves makes you moan almost uncontrollably- This new sensation has you panting and releasing pent up hunger and the desire to madly have an orgasm- as just then- He takes his cock and thrust it all in- deep in your pussy- but not fucking you hard- no--- that would have been to easy- He slowly- gently- -softly- allows the inside of your vagina cavity to feel every last piece of His throbbing hot cock- all 7 inches- slowly- ever slowly in and out- your trusting and trashing your body upward- you want to be fucked and pounded- but He says "noooo not yet" He commands you to remain calm- - instead he makes love to you- slowly embracing all the juices in your trenched pussy- now rotating His cock as it is fully in you- gently He kisses your lips... and just as you relax- and melt to become one with the bed- He thrusts faster, and harder- and deeper- and begins pounding your pussy without mercy- your hands are again trashing about, You want out of the rope- but they keep you pinned in- the animal in you takes over- you are screaming out- "fuck me fuck me - harder damn it- Oh God give it to me-!!! " !!!!! and after 20 minutes-of this bliss-you cumming many times over and over, you then let out one final explosion of orgasmic quivers, - an almost cosmic release- together- first you - and then Him ... as He cums too.

He then begins to also quiver in ecstasy, He can hardly move- yet He unties your restrained hands- so you can wrap your arms around Him- and you both melt into each other-- .He then removes the blind fold, and looks into your beautiful eyes, and warmly smiles- kissing you softly

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