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Bored out of your mind

Nothing is more boring then been told no by your master and you have nothing to do that day, all you want is attention by your you be a badgril or kitten or badbabygril or slave and pet.
6 years ago. November 4, 2018 at 3:28 PM

When you read a really good book and when you get done with it. Then you go to bed with the book on your mind and you end up dreaming about it when you get to the sex scene and you wake up becaues it was so powerful to a point where you wake up craving it. Where his hand are on you how your body cravyes it to where it hurt how you cant fix the craving. Where you don't have your dom to help fix  the craving and you can t do it yourself and you need  help but don't know how to ask for help with it.  ( or you dont have a dom at all to help with the craving) So you just sit there or more like lay there with the pain until it goes away, or you spend time with the craving until you try to get it off your mind but you still feel like it still there but on a low burner.  How your body still has the feeling and you just cant get it out of your System.

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