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Bored out of your mind

Nothing is more boring then been told no by your master and you have nothing to do that day, all you want is attention by your you be a badgril or kitten or badbabygril or slave and pet.
6 years ago. February 9, 2019 at 7:02 PM

 I just can't get it out of my head. How he moved so fast to were his hands go for my neck or legs. How he gives me a little squeeze  to my neck. How he rubs my legs soft and slow. How he tells me sweet nothing . How he plays me to a point i am scared to show my faces in front of him. Oh  how i miss the old you. How he fuck me to the point i cant walk for days and pout when he say no to another round of play time.  The new you is more stronger and more commanding I am loving it. It makes me want to beg for more. To a point it drives me crazy and head over hills, for your attention. 

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