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Simply thoughts and such. I have ramblings that may be related to the content here, so I will post whenever the craving arises.
1 week ago. May 3, 2024 at 8:11 PM

I think it's important to examine why we like what we like. Not just for knowing ourselves better, but to effectively discern the nuances of others when dealing with them. 

For example, many doms are just narcissists. They might study the lifestyle, but their interest in the position is fueled entirely by a need to manipulate and be revered in some way. Every position might be the result of some unhealthy psyche or unresolved trauma. Other times, it is simply loneliness (this is far more forgivable, of course)

I do think that fundamentally, all human relationships involve the constant forming and healing of new highs and lows. However, the intent and awareness behind it are what matter.  The whole of the world would probably be a better place if we honestly examined these things. Though communities like this would likely shrink as a result. 

2 weeks ago. May 1, 2024 at 9:58 PM

I suspect we are all in the process of becoming what we wish to be and at the same time, exactly what we aren't.

Which is to say: when it comes to identity and position, it is equally possible to be ourselves and something else. Even if the two seem contradictory.

Without excessive exposition; the place of the sub or slave is inherently one of servitude, to a degree. And yet it is precisely in that willingness to adopt that position that they grow, learn and advance themselves through thier dedication. They master aspects of themselves and perhaps life.

Conversely, it can be said that the identity of dom or master is entirely dependant on the willingness of another to submit to them. They have power over people but only under conditions that are agreed upon. In this way, they are bound.

Through this, the connections between what we are and what we aren't may be made clearer.

Considering these before starting a relationship is key, I think.