1 month down and who knows how much longer to go.
Any suggestions??
1 month down and who knows how much longer to go.
Any suggestions??
Well that will mark one whole long month of being locked up, and many more long months to come.
I only wish I could some one shared my similar interests in completely controlling another to there advantage. Then I wouldn't have to worry about ny sexual release as my thoughts wants and desires will be placed solely on my partner.
Just updated my freighiner and hopefully corrected some mistakes.
I put in the eurethral sounds the in my piss hole this morning...... was a bit nervous but it went in with out any issues.
I didn't think that I could put a quarter inch tube in there but it did go in.
I had gotten a call from work this morning saying that they Do not have a co driver to go out with me. He gave me A couple of options
Go solo long haul
Or go solo local/regional
I chose the second option.
So now im driving by myself east to west coast.
I still prefer drinking team but until I can find that one kinky driver who understands my kindness.... then i'll just have to wait.
Or until they open up the school and have train the newbies.
But at least they gave me a couple of options.
Based on centuries of destruction.
Gender classification and racial classification......my take
You are born a human being..... that is your race. Human. Unless you are from Mars then you are a Martian
It doesn't matter what your skin color is. Just the attitude that you portray too others around you.
Gender is what makes us human. Men and women are needed to keep our species moving forward and growing.
You can classify what sex you want to be any time toi want. Pretty soon.... sexuality will be determined by the individual. If they are not happy being a man then they should be aloud toi become a woman same goes for the woman.
If you don't want to have either part of equation you can elect to remove your sex drive all together and be gender neutral.
But in my book sex is sex.
It is what you want to have pleasure with that makes the difference.
If remember right the older cultures had no major issues with that so why do we now?
What say you all??
Soon to complete
It is a unique experience.
Soon to come around.
Is not at all that bad being locked up
Still not the proper fitted device but it does its job.
The longer that my worm kept in its cage. The more used to the cashe I get. It's ironic, but I never thought I would be getting used to the feel of a metal cage and cock ring over my manhood.
So now I may just keep it on with out cutting the cage off for as long as I can.
No one on the outside world even knows that I will have it on. The only time that I may have to explain why the cage is on id when I go get my medical dot card renewed 6/2021.
So I am at least going to be self locked until 5/2021.
Now my one issue I'm debating on is do I get a PA piercing or not????
Plus I'm still squeamish as hell about needles.
If I could find someone to place me into a nice hypnotic state. Drive me over to the piercing salon and not be surprised to see my chastity cage... and possibly noticing that I'm not myself. That would be perfect. Of course that is only a dream at least for now.
10 days past im the new device.
I'm still able to relieve myself and pull my cock out to pee in a bottle.
Just not able to pull the balls through.
But I'm used to wearing it now. So I just need to figure out how to take this one off without ruining the cage. When the tillne comes to be removed that is.
Any suggestions?
One thing for sure i won't be able to get a woman pregnant being locked up in a cage. All i can do is to service her orally and physically.