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The Accidental Sub.

The interesting adventures of Tori the Accidental Sub.
7 years ago. March 10, 2017 at 5:49 PM

Tori had been shopping & she was exhausted, wearing those high red stillettos & the short blue skirt that only just covered her cute perky bum, & the tiny tight pale yellow tank top, that Sir had laid out for her the night before,she hoped that the bruises on the back of her legs were not so prominent, she hated trying to think up excuses about what really happened, if it got out about her & Sir & the lifestyle they lived & loved so much, Sir would lose his job & all the benefits that went with it. Sir was a prominent politician, & was always reminding me we had to be careful.

Tonight was a special night, it was their 1st year anniversary of what they called Signature Day, the day they both signed their Dom/Sub contract. Tori had picked up everything Sir asked her to. There was the Champagne from  Mc Claren Vale winery, The Strawberries from Cherry Hill Fruit Farm, & then there were 2 big juicy T-bone steaks & the vegetables from The Central Market in Adelaide, Sir was very adament where he wanted the food picked up from, as Sir said " We eat & drink from the finest places in the land" & he was right. Tori got home glanced @ the clock, she had an hour before Sir was home, & he liked her freshly showered, he loved the way her wet hair clung to her body, tonight though was different.Tori quickly put the shopping away & went into her bedroom  she had often wished that Sir & her could sleep together  but Sir explained that his schedule was always all over the place, & she always looked like an angel when she slept, her hair was the same colour as dark chocolate, her unblemished pale skin were beautiful, but it was her body that Sir was most proud of, Tori was definitely not thin, in fact at her last check up the Dr had said she was the perfect weight.Tori sat on the bed clutching the brown paper bag, she had been to this new adult shop & had bought some new hand & ankle cuffs, soft rope & a big hook to hang from the ceiling, but Sir would have to put that up, Tori went into the bathroom had a quick shower, put on the smallest amount of make up, too much make up made Sir angry, Tori had learnt about the make up earlier in their relationship, too much make up resulted in quite a harsh spanking, she was not about to make that mistake again.Tori went to her bedroom draw & took out her dark purple lacy baby doll nightie, she put it on, sat on the bed & brushed her hair & braided it into a long pony tail, just the way Sir liked it. Tori glanced at the clock, good she thought she still had 20 minutes.Tori opened the paper bag & looked at her purchases. Tori put one of the pretty purple fluffy hand cuffs on her left wrist, secured it & then got one of the matching ankle cuffs out put it on her left ankle she lifted her led & clipped the two cuffs together. Tori saw herself in the mirror & giggled, she did look funny with her arm & leg suspended in the air. Tori heard a car. Sir was home she had to get these cuffs off back in the bag & put in her wardrobe for later, just as Tori went to get the key, Alfie their labrador puppy came bounding in , he jumped on the bed, barking & running all over the bed, Alfie always acted crazy when she or Sir came home.Alfie Alfie Tori cried sit down stop it, it was too late, Alfie had jumped on the bed sending the key flying across to the other side of the room. 

Tori was stuck.

Tori heard the key turn in the front door, "Torrs, Torrs" Sir called out, Sir could hear Alfie doing his usual happy bark, Sir peered around Toris bedroom door, very slowly a grin appeared on his face, that quickly developed into a smile, then Sir laughed, there was his sweet Tori, one arm & one leg sticking up in the air, her beautiful hair was now look Ing like a birds nest, & the small amount of make up she had on was now smeared all over her face.Alfie had seen to that with his kisses. Tori looked at Sir & gave a weak smile.Sir walked over to the window where the keys had landed, he picked them up, walked over to Tori, sat down on the bed & smiled, "Tori, what on earth is going on" Sir was laughing again, with her arm & leg still in the air exposing her pussy, her lacy nightie hung off of her, with her smeared make up & her birds nest hair, Tori gave a sheepish smile & said"Happy Anniversary Sir"