My mistress is an expert in the martial arts and she is expert in delivering pain and control, she is very imaginative in her methods, those methods vary from pleasure to control and sometimes it is humiliation. One evening she got it into her head that my ass was like a green apple and she intended to make it ripe. She tied my wrists tight and told me to get onto the bed, she took a ballet pump out of her bag and spent an hour reddening my bare ass. She inspected and was never satisfied, she took into every part of my ass until she acquired the perfect color of pain. A ballet shoe is a strange item to dispense pain - it delivers acute levels of soreness, it also finds the spots where pain will be induced, my mistress uses a very old one with some tears in the fabric, it leaves it's own form of pain and also leaves little strips along already peachy red skin. She finished off with three skites of her thin cane and then left me to photograph it, she took a copy and says she will develop this particular method more. Such is the life of imagination and control, I may be controlling her more than she thinks. Who controls the control freak ?
7 years ago. March 28, 2017 at 1:29 PM