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Kitten's Enthsiastic Articles

Hello the world of the Cage community, I'm a long time kitten / occasional educator and writer at times for various things and people in the lifestyle. I eventually moved on to write articles for the official kittenplay website before that got shut down. My curiosity lies in whether or not people still might want to read my articles? I would write all the history of bdsm (like how it dates back to ancient Greece, ancient Egypt etc) Psychology (a topic I've basically been heavily if not obsessively studying since I was a child) petplay etc.
1 month ago. February 1, 2025 at 11:44 AM

Standing up to abuse is never easy or simple, I really wish it was simple, I know I did the right thing to protect my safety and happiness and yet I still feel guilty and like it's wrong to stand up for myself, I know that's just the trauma and conditioning but it's ridiculous to think I never mattered to my entire family, I was only 6 years old, I never deserved anything that happened to me but they always said it was my fault even though I know that's bs. I'm 31 now and just cut ties with the last of my family because it was driving me nuts, I couldn't take the abuse anymore so I just blocked them on everything, I'm angry at myself for not doing it sooner but I know I'm not supposed to blame myself, I'm supposed to heal, I'm supposed to move on, I'm supposed to get over it, but how does someone get over never being loved by their own family since they were six, there's no manual on this type of abuse, I was beat so much, I was starved, I was imprisoned in my own house, a place that was supposed to be shelter, I had no one, or if I did, it wasn't for long, my grandparents were nice but they passed away when I was in middle school, my family is so abusive and everyone is guilty of so much it's baffling that they weren't charged and got away with it, from paying off cops to lying to them, to making me lie to them or else I'd be hit more, it was so extensive.. For 18 years until I finally escaped... I've been gone about 8 years now but it's still terrifying living a life without a safety net like a family, it's so hard to comprehend what on earth made them so violent and hateful, from racist neo nazi members of my family, complacent people who did nothing to protect me and enablers who took sides, I was so alone. I know it broke things in me I'll never get back and never be able to fix. I've done a decent job putting myself, and my life back together, but I still have to live with this, I still have to accept the reality, I still have to let it go, I still have to face the truth that I never had a family from the get go, they never wanted a daughter, they wanted a punching bag, it was so bad for so long and yet I have to deal with the recovery while they're living their lives like nothing happened. I'm so angry at them but I know anger is unhealthy in excess so I'm trying to make peace with it, but I don't know if I ever mentally, emotionally and physically  will.. It feels impossible, but at least I finally closed the last door, at least they can't contact and hurt me anymore.. It's still a lot to deal with though. ?

2 months ago. December 30, 2024 at 5:50 PM

Whoever he is, I know he's probably wondering things himself. 

Is he set for new years? Is he going to a party? Is he staying home? Does he like being social or a home body? 

I don't know, but one day, I hope to find out. 

Still looking for my special someone

The idealized idol in my head isn't something unrealistic, really, just a nerdy golden retriever type who can also be sadistic or militant when the situation calls for it, the soft sweet men who wanna romance me off my feet but would also keep me safe no matter what

I'm especially bias to Aries and Aquarius people because they've been there for me through so much of my life in general settings, especially Aries (I love you people, you have to understand how much of a gift you are to the world, you're so utterly precious and irreplaceable ♡) 


But also honorable mentions, Libra, you guys came out of nowhere and always get extremely protective of me in social settings.. That was shocking but deeply appreciated. 

Virgos are nice, I still like you guys, you just wanna fix everything and make people happy, I hope you can make yourself happy too. 


So what's my dream prince? Definitely one of the signs listed above (please Aries, I know you're shy but you guys romance so goddamn hard, as a collective, you've always been there for me and ugh, I want one for myself, you silly things like being worshipped, well come on then, let me love you) but I guess if the sheep are too shy, the other signs would also make quick work of sweeping me off my feet. 


My dream prince : soft and gentle, firm and commanding, that nice duality of casual but strict and firm, someone not afraid to call me out for my bs or anyone else, someone happy to hear about my day and just as excited to tell me about theirs, someone who I just click with and we can talk about anything without it feeling scary or like a chore. Someone fun, someone caring, someone kind, definitely the trope of the nerdy golden retriever bf. But still protective and nurturing. Ages - 30 through 36

I'm a hopeless romantic Sagittarius and having no one to romance is terrible and quite miserable if I'm being honest. 

I want to spoil someone, I want to ask how their day is, I want to cuddle someone, I want to be excited plotting future gifts for holidays, birthdays or anniversaries. I wanna cook them their favorite food and so on


My love language is massively acts of service and gift giving but it's also cuddling, emotionally confiding in each other, and just having fun together no matter what it is we're doing. 


I want a Master I can date, a prince I can romance right back just as hard as they're trying to romance me, I want that give and take, that pull, that romantic tug of war, that challenge of "No! I love you more! " and everything.. 


But I haven't found my prince yet, I've found various people, sometimes they're really close to what I'm looking for or they just weren't ready


But I was.... I was always waiting and ready for my sweet guy.. 


So where are you? 


Are you looking for me too? 


Maybe we'll find each other one day.. 


I hope it's sooner rather than later.. 


(Here sheepy sheepy sheepy♡) 

2 months ago. December 25, 2024 at 9:44 AM

What can I say, I'll always be bias, but I have a little gift for you darlings

Since so many of you have a never ending craving for psychology, understanding and so on, I figured it might be fun to share some things from the perspective of a masochist. 


Now firstly I should explain, that I'm not the most masochistic out there, extreme masochists tend to confuse me but even they share similar things I've felt or thought or could understand in my own ways. 

And additionally, this is just sorta a collection of various things I've researched over the years or figure out on my own just from talking to fellow masochists. 


But one thing I always find is that no, you're not a terrible person just cause you wanna hurt someone for fun time


In fact, we use the beautiful pain you give us as therapy, it's as much therapy for us as it is you. 


Many Sadists and masochists I found suffer from extreme abuse, anxiety / panic disorders, neurodivergent things and lots of PTSD or C-PTSD - For whatever reason, pain connects us both and is in our own ways, a form of therapy for us both


Now some studies believe it's because it gives us a sense of control over our pain in a time where maybe we didn't have that, it also helps many with their anger issues and actually helps teach people a deeper sense and understanding of empathy


Other studies have found that reliving painful situations with a level of control and awareness can help someone overcome traumas

This is probably found most in the hypnosis community, the extra lovely Sadists who specialize in getting comfortable in your head and fixing whatever they can and throwing out trash and helping you cope mentally and emotionally, they work a very hard and tiring job but I'm greatful for them as well as I myself have had a couple and those people genuinely helped me stop having nightmares or overreactions to triggering stimuli


Now this doesn't mean professional mental health doctors aren't still worth their stuff


But for many in the scene, I've learned a lot of standard therapy doesn't really work for people who have been through incredibly terrible things but Sadists come in to fill that gap and responsibility a lot of the time


Now I will say always try typical medicine and therapy first before experimental avenues but know that it isn't always dangerous or even a big deal dipping your toes into "alternative medicine" sometimes it really does wonders for people


I've personally known a handful of people who tried tons of therapy and medicine for years only for it to barely scratch the surface or do absolutely nothing but then they paired up with a Sadist who knew what they were doing and they researched their specific issues for weeks and helped them majorly more than any doctor did, and I think that's just amazing. 


Because a thing I hear a lot "a therapist and psychologist and so on will go home after their session and forget about you, you only exist in that one hour they see you during the week"


A sadist is a dedicated person willing to research whatever it takes to help you through trial and error because they genuinely just want to see you safe and happy, they genuinely devote themselves to their submissives and it's honestly precious when they go above and beyond for someone else just to make them be okay and a functioning member of society


But I also think you sweethearts should be treated a lot better than you are, the media and misinformed areas always call you terrible things, words like "monster" and "demon" fly around so much that so many of you use it as a meme of sorts just cause you're tired of hearing it


But you're not a monster, you never were, a monster wouldn't spend several days and nights with no sleep researching the intricacies of a mental disorder just to help someone, a monster wouldn't be strict about manners, etiquette and how someone carries themselves, a monster wouldn't lecture you for hours about why punching someone is a bad thing, a monster wouldn't make you write hand written apologies to someone you wronged unfairly. 


You've never been a monster, so many of you are convinced you are just cause you have anger issues or a sadist streak or empathy issues


You're not a monster, you're someone traumatized just like the rest of us


Everyone has issues and I don't think it makes any sense at all that you're so unfairly villainized like all the time. 


You've been nothing but a hero to me and thousands of others for years, millions if you wanna get technical about the history of our shared existence


I'm proud to be a masochist and I'm greatful for your existence as well. 


It's because of people like you I found my empathy, my faith in humanity, my happiness and myself as a person, the constant encouragement, the constant training to be a better person, the constant safety you provide, all of it is what helped shape me into who I am today, and while I'm not perfect, I love myself a lot more than I did before I met the lovely Sadists in my life. 


So ya, Merry Christmas hehe ??

2 months ago. December 21, 2024 at 11:01 AM

... Which is what, half of you guys? If not more? I know a majority of you guys are very shy introverts but anyway


Hi sweeties, how are you doing? I haven't really asked you darlings, you're always so fussy about asking others how they are, well, how are you? How's your diet? How's your mental health? How are you handling holiday stress, etc


I'm happy to listen to you cuties whine if you need to, but I also hope you've been okay, you're always so preoccupied with tens of thousands of things, please make sure at least one or two are about yourself, okay hunny? ??

2 months ago. December 21, 2024 at 10:41 AM

I guess I was missed a bit, it's cute knowing how much people genuinely care on this site, I guess people noticed when I disappeared for a minute. (To the sadist community at large, hi sweetie, I'm okay, pls chill, y'all are too damn adorable istfg) 


What was I up to you're probably wondering, honestly not much, tried getting a new job, that was a shit show in less than 9 days so looking for a new job again (at least I was only there like a week so no biggie) 

How is my mental health? Surprisingly, a lot better than this time last year, I think it's cause I got sick (pesky virus played tag you're it and been sick for about 8 days now) 


(And yes I was a good girl™ and stayed home while sick and did my best to take care of myself and yes I tried my best with eating healthy and drinking water, don't y'all start lmao) 


Still fighting the dumb virus but just kinda chilling at home and resting off and on, was debating what to write in the future (I admit I got sorta shy cause everyone was nice to me on here and I got shy lmao) 

But ya, figured a little update was probably needed since I could tell several have been lurking or wanting to check on me (none of you dorks are subtle god, but it's so goddamn adorable)


The sadist community - "fear us cause we're evil and smart and blah blah psychology nerds blah blah"


Also the sadist community "sweetie are you okay ??? We love you ?" 


Like I can't get over how cute you dorks are. 

(You idiots made me blush so I totally reserve the right to do it right back haha) 

But really, thank you to everyone who's been checking on me or was worried, I'm okay, mostly, minus the head cold and slight work drama but I'm a tough kitty! I'll be okay! We got 9 lives for a reason!! ??

2 months ago. December 8, 2024 at 2:49 AM

That might sound blunt and demanding, but after the morning I had today, I am left utterly bewildered and confused


Two friends who are extremely deserving of gifts and nice things told me they either never get gifts or rarely get gifts, I was baffled and so utterly confused when to me, it's perfect logic and totally deserved as they're good people who absolutely deserved the Christmas gifts I gave them today


My heart honestly broke for them both when they both said the same things.. 


I don't understand.. 


I know people can be terrible but goddamn


Please, if you have someone in your life who is deserving of gifts, get them something, it doesn't even have to be something big, even the smallest gift can mean the world to someone


Is someone in your life ignored? Over looked? Taken for granted? Treated badly? Be kind this holiday season, it's still important and still needed. 

I'm still in shock that my friends aren't regularly appreciated in their lives


Don't let yours go unappreciated either. 

3 months ago. December 4, 2024 at 8:36 AM

Just felt sentimental and like leaving them a bread crumb in case they ever see this or wanna say hi again some day

Sir Cammy : Hello Sir, I gotta admit, I didn't... Exactly stay the proper kitten you left me as.. Life was a mess when you found me and then kinda got worse when you left, I don't blame you nor hold it against you, I truly hope you graduated college.. I'm doing my best to take care of myself at least but ya, even by my writing, you can probably tell the high protocol and way you left me didn't stick entirely, but I still try to mind my manners and be polite more often than not. Also, yes, I did finally move away from my parents and all that drama, moved several states away lmao. The things you did for me, the safety you gave me, the education, everything, all of it, they're still invaluable things I cherish deeply. 

Sir Black : Heya,... Forever still wondering what happened that one day with "Kitty" cause I am probably gunna wonder that for years haha. As for the expectations you left me with.... Okay ya they uh... Didn't really reach them.. But ya know.. I try to live healthy and safely as much as I can.. It's not always easy but I'm trying.. Ps, I still think your tummy is cute. ♡

Sir Ash : I miss your hugs, you gave the best hugs and I miss cuddling you but I truly hope your life got better

Sir Johnny : You told me you still felt that even after all these years that my happiness and safety was a priority for you... Andy eventually tried to get in contact with me again and I blocked him after like a day of talking for one final time, I know you'll probably scold me for even talking to him but I was curious but ya. I won't forget how you went out of your way to warn me and try to keep me safe even if I wasn't your kitten anymore and hadn't been for years. I still appreciate what you did for me. 


It's been some years and I can't remember all my past owners because of trauma and memory issues but if I missed anyone (cause I know I'm missing a few) 

Just know I probably still appreciate you and still have fond memories even if I can't totally remember everything


Love - Mittens / Shadow etc (I don't even remember all my given names lmao) 

3 months ago. December 3, 2024 at 7:23 PM

So I've met people that follow this strictly and also people that have no idea what that even is


I think for most, people have probably heard some of it or something about it so I just wanted to go through it for my own sanity to have as a reference and for others in case they ever needed one, it seems like people either don't know or if they know they don't often educate others, so I'm gunna do that instead


Now I'm not sure where this higherarcy originally comes from, at most I think it had something to do with the "Old Guard" or people from that time but it might honestly be a lot older than that.


Whatever the case, the higherarcy as it was explained to me when I was first getting in this community, it came from reading things from a bdsm website, the site isn't around anymore but they had tons of information on the lifestyle and old traditions and so on, my first Owner Sir Cammy, gave me the website as a massive bdsm crash course on everything I needed to know, it was paramount I understood everything I was getting into before he agreed to be my Owner and protector, he stressed constantly that I was educated and understood things and would spend hours explaining something if needed be, he had to be double, triple and quadruple sure I understood everything before agreeing to anything and I still respect that about him because he made my safety as a complete noob feel like the most vital thing in the universe. 


The higherarcy goes as follows


At the top of the list - Regionals, Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses, Enforcers, Slave Drivers, Militants, Sadists, Daddys/Mommys

In the middle - switches, wild pets, littles as they out rank the majority of the pet community

At the bottom - pets, general submissives, slaves always came last as they're at the very very bottom


I'm probably forgetting a couple terms or roles and power levels but that's what I remember off the top of my head and generally what I go by, and I've seen tons of people follow similar or they at least know roughly about the higherarcy and all that. 


Hope this helps! 

3 months ago. December 3, 2024 at 6:59 PM

(Oh my brain hurts after watching the latest video from wattsthesafeword and puppy Amp) 

As a kitten, I wanted to talk about the DDLG community from my perspective cause the kitten community was the one of the first to help them when they first faced major backlash. 

A couple years back, I believe before covid lock downs, there was a rise of DDLG, ABDL, age regression and what that was, the term "little space" was becoming more common, the community finally got main stream in a way and just like when kittens first came out in mass, they faced a horrific amount of backlash from the vanilla community and those who didn't understand anything or know the first thing about kink or the lifestyle we have or those individuals have. 


The kitten community, already familiar with helping the gay and sissy community, immediately jumped to action and I saw in mass, tons of loving and caring kittens coming together to aggressively give the "littles" a space to be safe, online especially, tons and tons of kittens were there for people and it was beautiful seeing two communities come together


Not every kitten is a little and not every little is a kitten but some are both and the love from the kitten community being there to uplift others who were scared and facing major hate and criticism was a beautiful thing to see happen. 


To touch on a topic that puppy Amp brought up in his video, I agree with him that lifestyle things should be done in lifestyle friendly places or at least, in a safe environment that either doesn't bother others or something


There's the never ending debate on whether or not the kink community should he allowed at pride and so on and so fourth


However, the kink and lgbt community have been a connected family ever since the AIDS crisis and was probably even before that time too. 

We deserve to be visible, we have a right to be visible but we also as a community should be smart and mindful of our safety and wellness and the mental health of ourselves and others as well as considerate of the spaces and people we're involved in when also engaging in anything lifestyle related. 


There's no harm in being polite and avoiding unnecessary drama. 

3 months ago. December 1, 2024 at 6:09 PM

In the world of pet play there is differing levels or let's call them degrees of pet play, I've seen it go on in the puppy and pony community as well but given I'm a kitten and spent the most time with that immediate community, I wanted to share a lot of things. 

Now I'm by no means an expert but this is just things I've seen or otherwise observed over the years. 

For sake of simplicity I'll use the term "levels" to help navigate the kitten insanity lmao


Level 1 - This would be people who dress up in kitten gear but aren't taking it very serious, a tad more serious than just dressing up as Catwoman at a Halloween party but not by much. So let's say this is one step above just dressing up for Halloween. 

Level 2 - A bit more serious, maybe they like wearing the chokers, gloves, lace or other accessories for the aesthetic, but still, not taken very seriously, just a casual appreciation for the aesthetic

Level 3 - More serious, this would be the more common kittens who dress up regularly and preform in the context of a scene or just for their Owner or something, taken seriously but still fairly casual and has a defined time and place

Level 4 - More serious than the previous level as these kittens are in "cat mode" on a regular basis regardless of scene or people around, the severity of "cat mode" depends on the person and there's low severity to extreme if not boarding on Therian overlap

Level 5 - Therian overlap, a Therian is someone who feels like an animal on a emotional, spiritual or mental level due to a form of escapism from trauma, but they can also come from certain religions backgrounds that animals are very important in their religion and so on, it can be a very deep and meaningful thing for people to feel like an animal or express their more inner animalistic urges (think the Hunter and Prey community taken more seriously


For kittens in this level, we have our own higherarcy and side stuff that goes on

There's the domestic cats (like me, hi, hello, I'm a maincoon) or there's the wild cats (lions, panthers, leopards etc

Domestic cats listen to the wild cats but they don't often get owned by each other (think, glorified baby sitter / community protectors) I don't fully remember the whole breed higherarcy these days cause it's been a while since I've run into those people but I at least would respect or listen to any wild cat that was looking out for me or trying to help or something. (I remember that most wild cats aren't into being owned or it takes a big time sadist or Dom to own them properly and correctly and actually make them happy, they're definitely loners more often than not.

(I heard similar stuff goes on in the puppy community between the domestic puppies and wolf community) 


From my time when I was getting into kitten play and all that, we used the term "Neko" ("cat" in Japanese) as there is a lot of cat girls in anime and they looked or felt like what we did, a dip into Therian for sure, we know we're people but deeply still feel like cats and it's just always been that way (even I remember acting like a cat as a small child whenever I was stressed out

For a lot of people, pet play is casual but it can also be a deeply therapeutic thing and escape from a traumatic time or experience


But no matter what kitten you are, you're all valid and I'm happy we have the community we do

From the lingerie models to the people fighting for human rights and everything in between, we're a lovely community and I'm happy to share my knowledge any time.