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Kitten's Enthsiastic Articles

Hello the world of the Cage community, I'm a long time kitten / occasional educator and writer at times for various things and people in the lifestyle. I eventually moved on to write articles for the official kittenplay website before that got shut down. My curiosity lies in whether or not people still might want to read my articles? I would write all the history of bdsm (like how it dates back to ancient Greece, ancient Egypt etc) Psychology (a topic I've basically been heavily if not obsessively studying since I was a child) petplay etc.
3 months ago. November 30, 2024 at 6:53 PM

Yikes, after some research I learned some not so great things about the cat chateau so as a long term kitten, let me clear some air for sanity sake. 

Kitten play on the surface is kitten role play, kitten pet play in a bdsm / D/s dynamic where we have "Owners" instead of Masters or other Dom types (of course this varies and there's plenty of Masters and Daddy/Mommy Dom's with kittens it isn't really a hard rule, just the traditional way things tend to go) 

Under the surface, kitten play was a movement for women to reclaim their femininity and later we helped the sissy community and feminine gays community, occasionally even the drag community and trans community, we even have several different colored kitten pride flags that reflect the women, men, trans and drag individuals. 

We've always stood in solidarity with the lgbtqai+ community, drag community and so on. 

We don't get out much and I think most of us are introverts so we're not often seen at events as often as puppies or ponies. Those individuals get out far more but we're always around and lurking and have definitely had plenty of drama in defending others. 

 I myself even helped a sissy member when he was against a homophobe. 

So for many of us, kitten play is a reclaim of femininity and a safe space to be yourself in a safe environment. 

3 months ago. November 30, 2024 at 5:41 PM

This will be a smaller more simple version of the mega history I know of. (I'll write the mega history later on after I brush up on some material) 

So where did bdsm and everything come from? Hard to say, but the best people have figured out is that it dates back to ancient Greece, ancient Egypt, ancient China, so on, it's kinda always been around under some name or another, sometimes it was open and part of a culture, other times it was underground, or in cases like places like Germany, it just casually and quite literally became part of their culture and infrastructure.. How? No clue but again, it's always been around. 

For some cultures it came from the war times when kings or men of the castles / elite were away for months or years at a time and the marriage they had if they had one would then become an open marriage and the wife/queen would get male suitors and the husband/king would get female suitors. In other cultures this term and practice was called "bed warmers" which acted like cuddle buddies and the relationships weren't always sexual in nature either. 

In ancient Egypt they had varying levels of servants and Greece did similar that different servants where tasked with different duties

For whatever reason, there has always been naturally submissive and naturally dominant people, it happens in nature all the time too with plenty of pack animals fighting for dominance or delegating tasks to animals lower in the higherarcy. 

It's just always been around since ancient times, I dunno if this history just isn't taught anymore or people just don't know but you're all part of something extremely ancient and beautiful. 

Pets, slaves, whatever kind of submissive you are, you're part of something that's incredibly ancient and I just think that's neat. 

3 months ago. November 30, 2024 at 5:27 PM

Figured this was a good time to write something like this, recently in America we had Thanksgiving, but I didn't really get to say what I was actually thankful for as I keep a lot to myself or I was around too many vanilla people who wouldn't understand. 

But what I'm always thankful for? Sadists

You darlings are so often misunderstood or not nearly as appreciated as you should be. 

So I'm just gunna do that.

I've been with a handful of sadists, talked to tons off and on for years, and in all that time, I've learned one thing, you guys care the most at times and aren't afraid to get your hands dirty. 

You're people of action, deep thoughts and even deeper feelings

I know a lot of people write you off as angry or violent or don't see the logic, romance or beauty in sadism

But I do, and probably always will at this rate

Am I utterly bias because several saved my life before? Absolutely. But it still counts. 

You guys are more likely to go where others are too afraid to go or put in the work others are too lazy or tired for

Male sadists, female sadists, non binary, etc, any I've met, they all feel like a familiar home, I can just hear that little smart ass tone in your voice and know I'm standing next to someone who will fight every pantheon if anyone so much as touched a hair on my head. 

You guys are always extremely protective and I think that's one of my most favorite things about you. 

As for your ways of protecting others, hey, I'm not ever judging that, anyone who picks a fight with you or what you love and protect kinda has it coming lmao. 

But I still admire you guys and the sadist community at large.

I know I'm not the only masochist who feels this way, tons of us do, I've definitely met several who feel the same way I do or similar. 

You guys genuinely are more loved and admired than I think you even know. 

That's all I wanted to say. 

Keep lurking, keep watch, keep being your amazing lil selves ?

3 months ago. November 30, 2024 at 3:56 AM

(The other article I was able to salvage, sadly I lost my previous other ones but oh well) 

(This goes for safety guidelines for any gear too) 


Are you someone with very sensitive skin? Great so am I! Don’t fret a thing! I have some advice!


As I’m sure many are aware there is lots of people allergic to things like peanuts, honey, latex and the list goes on and on.


But what do you do if you find yourself allergic to the PetPlay gear you have?


The safest option would be to throw away whatever is causing skin irritations.


No kitty wants an owwie let alone a burning one.


But then where does that leave you?


Here’s my advice on dealing with skin allergies.



Try to write down what you are or might be possibly allergic too and be careful but give yourself a test, I learned growing up testing for rashes is important to keep an eye on things and how your body reacts. Just gently touch your arm with something you might be allergic too and wait a few minutes, allergies are usually fast and happen right away. If a rash does occur then take off the material immediately.

(Usually signs of rashes are: red marks or hives / itching / burning sensations)


Run your arm under cool water to calm it down, if you fear you might be in danger keep medicine (anti-histamines) and an Epipen near by or even do it with a friend or someone you trust. Safety comes first even in researching your body so be safe!


Allergic to latex? don’t use latex gloves, latex based gear or latex condoms in sexual scenes.


There’s safer options like rubber gloves and polyurethane condoms. These are conmanly found in most drug stores and sex stores along with online condom selling stores.


But what about my gear? I spent so much money / have such an attachment.” I hear you asking, I can empathize, I have had to throw out a lot and I wish I had someone to talk to during it.


If you love the way a certain thing looks, find something similar, sometimes you can find things even better and cheaper priced but not lacking in quality. While I know Amazon was under fire a lot recently it is still not a bad site to find things, Etsy is always the dream of many Pet Players. As always try and make sure the things you get are of good quality because they’ll be less likely to be at risk of a rash


But what materials are likely to give me a rash?” I’m glad you asked! Latex is of course the big one I want to address but things like gold, silver, nickle, costume jewellery and things that make you sweat a lot or rub up against and chafe your skin are all a high risk of causing a rash to happen. Stainless steel is your friend, fake furs are your friend, fleece is your friend, they’re not usually high in allergens where as real fur animal tails and ears can cause allergies and rashes, not fun!


Okay but what if I can’t find anything I like?” I have been there, I understand, that feeling sucks and makes you feel like you wasted your time, but if you keep looking I promise you will find things. Trust me there. I have found great things in the strangest places! So don’t give up! Your dream rash free gear is out there waiting for you to find it!


What if I have a rash before a scene with my Dominant?” I hear ya, that can feel embarrassing but don’t fret, If you have a Dominant who cares about you they’re going to be supportive and either stop the scene entirely or continue with alterations to not agitate your rash, Remember the relationship between you and an Owner is 50/50 and a two way street, if you have a rash and decide to cancel plans, that is OK. Safety and health come first and your Owner may even be able to help nurse you back to healthy skin if you so choose to have them help.


What if I don’t want their help or don’t have an owner?” No problem!


Here’s how to care for a rash all on your own!


First figure out what kind of rash do you have?


Is it itchy?




Bumps? (hives)


Or super red? / warm to touch (histamine signs)


If itchy, Aloe is lovely to apply as is taking cool baths with oatmeal products you know you’re okay to use and milk in baths can hep mellow your skin and make it softer. Calamine lotion is also a big help and famously known for helping children with chicken pocks!


Burning? Run cool water on the rash, not ice cold but cool luke warm water helps this a lot I find and try to be careful with clothes that may touch the effected area.


Bumps? Again, Aloe , Aloe , Aloe , that green plant is your friend if you have rashes and Calamine lotion will also help


Super red and warm? I call these heat rashes and I find cool water, cool baths and milk baths help calm it down a lot.


Anti-histamines are also normally going to help any type of rash but if you find a rash isn’t going away at home, be sure to get seen by a Doctor for better advice/medicine if you so need


3 months ago. November 30, 2024 at 3:39 AM

(One of the few articles I wrote for the kittenplay website I was able to salvage.) 




The answer is yes, but you probably want a more detailed answer so let’s go over some things I’ve been asked before or heard before from others in the past.


“Can I be overweight and be a Kitten?” Yes, weight has nothing to do with being a Pet and some people even find overweight people more attractive the curvier they are.


“Can I be tall and be a Pet/Submissive?” Yes, I dealt with this but didn’t know until I heard someone ask about it, they were so confused that I was really tall for a girl and Submissive. You can be any height and size and be a kitty, being a Pet is all about mindsets and the relationships of intimacy you have with another, not even just sexual things but everything, the closeness, the honesty, the safety, etc.


“What if my Dominant is shorter than me?” And? Short Dominant people are not at all lacking in knowing how to keep kitties in line and can act very very tall even more than a lot of tall people.


“Can I be a boy and be a Kitten?” YES! you can be any gender and be a Kitten. It isn’t only for one type of gender nor one type of person.


“Can I be tall and girly in Kitten Space?” Yes, whether you’re girly, Gothic or sexy and can’t be stopped. Be yourself. Owners will always rather you be yourself because that’s the Kitty they love and adore.


“Can I be manly and be a Kitten?” Yes, there’s tons of manly men who are very Submissive and couldn’t be happier to wear Kitten gear!


“Can I be a Kitten without gear?” YES! It’s all about mindset, not everyone has gear and some don’t even want gear and that is A okay. It’s all about the mindset and personality you bring to it!


“Can I not like cat toys and still be a Kitten?” Yes, plenty of ways to be a Kitten and no one way is a one size fits all, find out what fits you well and do that to your heart’s content.


“Do I have to be on all fours at all times?” That depends on who owns you, some Owners demand that cause they find it erotic and hot, some don’t care either way, some only demand it if you’re being a bad Kitty. It really comes down to person to person and is very much something you can negotiate with an Owner.


“Do I have to have a leash?” In the past I heard some Kittens felt weirded out by a leash as they felt that was more for Puppy Players and not Kittens, these days so many have leashes and I would say do what makes you happy, weather you’re a little Kitty or a big Panther if you want one go for it, if not no one is forcing it upon you and you should express your feelings to any Owner you have about the things you do and don’t want. Owners are usually very caring and wanna do their best to help you feel comfortable and happy.


“Can I be LGBTQ+ and be a Kitten?” Yes, no matter where you fall on the spectrum you can be a Kitten!


Can I have blank Disorder/Disability and still be a Kitten?” Yes, my advice would just be to tailor your pet play spaces and activities to things and activities that are easier for you and that will make things more enjoyable! Always make sure you can be comfortable and safe!


Can I have multiple Pet/Sub spaces and still be a Kitten?” Yes, many people find they have a few or more different Pet and Sub spaces whether that’s brought out through emotions, events, times of the year, you can still be a Kitten when you want to be one!


The point I want to drive home with this article is to highlight you can be a Kitten no matter what!

3 months ago. November 30, 2024 at 2:02 AM

Hello the world of the Cage community, I'm a long time kitten / occasional educator and writer at times for various things and people in the lifestyle and I just gotta say, I like this place much more than FetLife, that website at it's prime wasn't so bad but it went downhill some years ago and definitely a shell of what it used to be. I eventually moved on to write articles for the official kittenplay website before that got shut down and what I loved about that site was the ability to write articles on basically anything, I'm still getting used to this site but my few days spent here has already felt lovely. It has a beautiful sense of community. My curiosity lies in whether or not people still might want to read my articles? I would write all the history of bdsm (like how it dates back to ancient Greece, ancient Egypt etc) Psychology (a topic I've basically been heavily if not obsessively studying since I was a child) petplay etc, anyone have interest in reading things like that?