Figured this was a good time to write something like this, recently in America we had Thanksgiving, but I didn't really get to say what I was actually thankful for as I keep a lot to myself or I was around too many vanilla people who wouldn't understand.
But what I'm always thankful for? Sadists
You darlings are so often misunderstood or not nearly as appreciated as you should be.
So I'm just gunna do that.
I've been with a handful of sadists, talked to tons off and on for years, and in all that time, I've learned one thing, you guys care the most at times and aren't afraid to get your hands dirty.
You're people of action, deep thoughts and even deeper feelings
I know a lot of people write you off as angry or violent or don't see the logic, romance or beauty in sadism
But I do, and probably always will at this rate
Am I utterly bias because several saved my life before? Absolutely. But it still counts.
You guys are more likely to go where others are too afraid to go or put in the work others are too lazy or tired for
Male sadists, female sadists, non binary, etc, any I've met, they all feel like a familiar home, I can just hear that little smart ass tone in your voice and know I'm standing next to someone who will fight every pantheon if anyone so much as touched a hair on my head.
You guys are always extremely protective and I think that's one of my most favorite things about you.
As for your ways of protecting others, hey, I'm not ever judging that, anyone who picks a fight with you or what you love and protect kinda has it coming lmao.
But I still admire you guys and the sadist community at large.
I know I'm not the only masochist who feels this way, tons of us do, I've definitely met several who feel the same way I do or similar.
You guys genuinely are more loved and admired than I think you even know.
That's all I wanted to say.
Keep lurking, keep watch, keep being your amazing lil selves ?