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Kitten's Enthsiastic Articles

Hello the world of the Cage community, I'm a long time kitten / occasional educator and writer at times for various things and people in the lifestyle. I eventually moved on to write articles for the official kittenplay website before that got shut down. My curiosity lies in whether or not people still might want to read my articles? I would write all the history of bdsm (like how it dates back to ancient Greece, ancient Egypt etc) Psychology (a topic I've basically been heavily if not obsessively studying since I was a child) petplay etc.
1 week ago. December 21, 2024 at 11:01 AM

... Which is what, half of you guys? If not more? I know a majority of you guys are very shy introverts but anyway


Hi sweeties, how are you doing? I haven't really asked you darlings, you're always so fussy about asking others how they are, well, how are you? How's your diet? How's your mental health? How are you handling holiday stress, etc


I'm happy to listen to you cuties whine if you need to, but I also hope you've been okay, you're always so preoccupied with tens of thousands of things, please make sure at least one or two are about yourself, okay hunny? 🥰💕

Voldemort​(dom male)Verified Account - Wow.
It's the first time someone has asked something like that.
Thank you so much.
1 week ago

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