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Lots on mind

Penning my thoughts.... rantings, frustrations, loving notes, anything that occupies my mind. This is my brain dump.
Read it at your own discretion. No hate comments! Kind inputs always welcome.
11 months ago. May 31, 2023 at 8:19 AM

We crave

a feeling of belongingness

a feeling of being loved

a feeling of being someone's need

a feeling of being impactful

a feeling of being waited for

a feeling of being just who we are

a feeling of being someone's shoulder

a feeling of being important

a feeling of being heard

a feeling of being in control

a feeling of being missed

a feeling of being someone's surrender

a feeling of being the (caring) devil

a feeling of being the role model

a feeling of being in the know

a feeling of being trusted

a feeling of being someone's home

a feeling of being someone's everything <3


P.s.: (will edit this post if I come up with more. Add your feeling(s) in comments section)

11 months ago. May 26, 2023 at 9:14 AM

Random dirty humor sayings: (source: Pinterest)


1. Sometimes we just need a hug, between your legs...


2. I believe you can go from fancy to filthy with just a smack on your ass...


3. Sometimes, it's just best to rip her clothes off, spin her around, grab her hair and f*ck her like you hate her...


4. My parts want to schedule a play-date with your parts...


5. Get your mouth down there and put a smile on my face :-D...


6. Lets do some "We shouldn't be doing this" things...


7. Don't you just wanna be choked and told how pretty you are? ;-D...


8. Just wanted to let you know, I am thinking about you, and by that I mean, I am imagining you naked, on the floor...


9. I suck at writing love letters. I am just gonna spank your ass and say 'It's mine'...


Comment the number(s) which you are going to use in your sexts :D

11 months ago. May 19, 2023 at 9:02 AM

Distracting thoughts at work


> Stop what you’re doing for two minutes and imagine me pulling your hair while we f*ck


> I have been thinking of ways to use you and it's distracting me from work


> I'm thinking about how I'm really in the mood today to hear your moans and screams right now


> I can't wait to tie you up when we get home later


> It doesn’t matter if you’ve been good or bad this week. I’m going to tie you and spank you either way


> Can’t wait to spread you open and taste you


> NGL, I have been fantasizing about edging you as well


> If only you can guess what all I'm thinking about that's got me so hard....

11 months ago. May 18, 2023 at 8:49 AM

New brain dump:


I was feeling morose since a few days but have been feeling alright today. I read a manga (Japanese comic) and sometimes that stuff can inspire me a lot. It is all imaginary, fantasy and not related to real life at all but somehow people world over have been inspired by hope as portrayed in movies, manga, comics, books, etc. (something where conclusion in most scenarios is for the better and known) but we all know, real life isn't so and we need to take each hour, each day as it comes and no matter how bad, need to rise up the next day and can only face forward.


But how to face forward? (when we feel screwed, helpless, fearful, unprepared, disappointed, frustrated, irritated, betrayed, and all such bad emotions which hold us back, either they be a result of our own efforts or by other's efforts)


I am an average guy (financially, emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually). I was told I was an academic genius but distractions got the better of me sometimes and my tastes, my understanding of things were not usual (ordinary things, not kink related things), but just different from most around me, which led to me being a minority in the way to approach things and led me having an inferiority complex, shyness, be emotionally defensive


I always gravitated to the good in people. Growing up, I, naively, did not understand that people could be selfish, jealous, manipulative, and many other things. I was always straightforward in my dealings, too simple minded (not dumb, but naive) and it wasn't glamorous. I still can't manage to be selfish and I definitely think it is my weakness.


I was always ONLY attracted to the pure and highest form of a mastery and geniuses in any field. If I had to work with someone, they had to be flawless and masters in their field. If I got to know they were adopting shortcuts or used to falter, it would disappoint me. I loved achieving or at least giving full effort for perfection in any work I did. Where did that lead me? Lead me to getting work reviews as being meticulous, hard working, analytical, great colleague to work with but a slow employee, slow decision maker, slow finisher, over worked, not the best team player. I was opposite of all things associated with "just get done with it and move on" capitalist kind of work environment and I never flourished to the extent I could have. I deserved about 40% of it but not all.


Regarding how to face forward, the thing I look for in geniuses and the masters who have reached the pinnacle (maybe they did so by taking the path I hate/don't grasp), is their undying passion, love and cheerfulness to reach till the end of their goal, NO MATTER WHAT.

The ingredients of passion, love and cheerfulness can take someone a long way because crazy passion is required to reach the levels which a master has attained, love is needed to so ultimately the process/the path does not feel burdensome and cheerfulness is needed when things just don't go your way.

Knowing you have passion, love what are doing and knowing that with time, it will take you ahead even though today was a failure, gives you a reason to not be dejected but stay cheerful and FACE FORWARD WITH A SMILE and banish all the negative emotions.

11 months ago. May 18, 2023 at 6:12 AM

Not a premium user, so I can't post images or gifs, it seems.


Got creative, why not post something weird, creative, sexy ASCII art - for fun's sake!


Big issue - the spacing between font increases once the post is published, distorting the art 😒 and I don't see the formatting option.








Big butt



more butt

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11 months ago. May 15, 2023 at 7:33 AM

Water Park musings:

"Failing to express"


Sunday morning and some of my friends went to a water park to beat the summer heat!

With expensive express tickets to beat the queue, we did the rides, enjoyed the wave pool, played and lazed in the lazy river, bumped each other in the wavy river (artificial waves coming every few seconds and toppling everyone who were on the donut rings, trick was to stay on the donut coz once fallen, was difficult to get back on), had food, lost some money trying to throw balls at stack of cans to win a cushy Donut pillow (I wanted it bad but did not win the pillow).


After the water park, there was also an amusement park where I blew my guts out screaming on the gravity fall ride and the roller coaster!


All in all a great day but then what led to the title?


After the day, we all set out for home with a stopover at a food court for dinner. While having dinner, one friend complimented me on my new look with nerd glasses, salt and pepper beard and a bit messy hair. Having worked in corporate for over 8 years, wearing rimless glasses, always being clean shaved, formal clothes, he found this relaxed casual look a good change. I had left my job recently to start as an independent financial consultant and since then, had a change from my earlier corporate employee looks. I felt very happy to receive the compliment and acknowledged his gesture, said 'Thanks dude' with a smile (everyone noticed it, another small compliment came in) and then, everything went back to the dinner and talks that were happening. Now contrast my almost silent reaction to another very good extroverted friend of mine who if had received such a compliment would have puffed out his chest, acknowledged it loudly, verbally told him how thankful he was, how he was thinking of doing some more changes with the look, continued the conversation a bit more, and most importantly made sure that everyone else took notice of the compliment and if possible, contributed to it, not as a braggart but more because he is like that.


Got me thinking on my drive back home, what if instead of simply acknowledging the compliment, I would have actually told my friend in more words how it felt good to receive the compliment, what made me change my looks, should I get some body tattoo and more that I had in my mind that time but couldn't talk and make a longer conversation! (they are friends of mine since over 12+ years so in a way, they are my tribe) and I just couldn't Express well enough.


I understood, I need to LEARN to EXPRESS verbally, everyday, train myself, taking baby steps, in awkward, in familiar, in non-familiar situations instead of just being awkward in social interactions, just EXPRESS a bit more to let the others know they have been HEARD well and fostering a longer and good communication.

11 months ago. May 12, 2023 at 8:35 PM



To all those who have supported in the past 3 years. I want to scream out a huge thank you but the feeling of gratitude and the feeling of having your support means so much that I am simply dumbfound and thankful.


To all those who weren't best with me, thank you anyway. Lessons learnt the hard way. Sometimes the medicine is bitter but I guess the patient needed it.


To all those who don't know are a part of my envy. You have lived correctly and I stumbled, got lost. I will my find way. I have fallen back and felt jealousy, helplessness, miserable, paralysis, fear, unprepared like never before. Sorry and thank you for being the lights to which I aim to reach.


Humble soul off to sleep, with gratitude was a try to keep the demons of guilt and all kinds away who magically spring up at night to remind what one has missed to live up to own expectation during the day.



11 months ago. May 12, 2023 at 7:19 AM

Rediscovered the cage after almost 4 years.


1st time had just created an id and forgot about it after poking and prodding around.


Didn't seem much useful as chatrooms were hardly active.


I used to use Antiland since 2017. It was a much bigger and better blackhole than here.


Made lots of friends, met online subs, had online sessions, HAD A GREAT TIME there.


It became super addicting, started affecting my life.


Had to cut down on it.


But I am addicted to BDSM, how the fuck do I cut back on my Dom cravings, my innate desire to be in deep loving D/s connection to which I have had the luck to be in more than a few times.


Due to LDR, it wouldn't use to work out, else most of monogamous D/s relations were happy memories.


My first brain dump, my 1st confession, my first post here! I might post again, not post again, who the fuck cares.


I am just writing for my own mental health! I fucking hate but love BDSM!


Tried quitting but fuck no, I love being a Dom!!!!


This is my judgement free brain dumping space. I am gonna rant, laugh, enjoy my cage diary, letting out all my inner blockages and getting myself rid of unwanted thoughts. FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCK