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Secretly a pet

Just stuff about my everyday life. And somethings to get you thinking.
3 years ago. June 11, 2020 at 5:50 PM

I'm so happy to be back and able to post some more with all the free time I have lately. So any topic you want to hear about let me know? 


4 years ago. January 8, 2020 at 3:20 AM

So, it's the new year. Let start by everyone breaking there new year's resolution. ( Why I don't make one. 😜) But I think a new year will bring change some good some bad. But let's hope for more good. I hope everyone has an amazing start to there New year. 


Till the next time,


4 years ago. August 20, 2019 at 5:56 PM

Let's talk about the truth. So some people think the truth will set you free. But some lies will help people. So I have been told. 

          The truth is a double-edged sword, some times you think its the only way to help but sometimes you just dig a big hole. 

I have known people who live by there truth. Because everyone has there version of the truth, someone will twist it to suit there purpose. But then there are lies some people think will help, white lies can be helpful. But they can be just as dangerous. You start with one lie thinking you are helping but then you tell another lie and you just start lying and you are living this lie. But it's not my place to judge everyone has there own problems to deal with and that's there business. So leave them to there Truth and you live yous. 


        This was just to get people to think don't take anything to heart. And keep living your truth. 



       Until Next Time, Death Girl 

4 years ago. August 14, 2019 at 9:35 PM

So I have tried to be a normal good human but I'm bored and its no fun when people take advantage of you. You have to be nice, kind, and polite. And yes that's all well and good but when its people you have known and trusted for a long time. I don't think it's ok. If you have ever had something like this happen or have had it much worse than me know that there are people who will be there and will not judge you for who you are. 


All The Love,


4 years ago. August 9, 2019 at 5:26 PM

Hey sorry for not posting I have had some personal stuff going on in my family I hope to be back soon. Sorry for not posting. 


Bye for now 


5 years ago. May 8, 2019 at 6:03 AM

So this is my first post so excited. 

I'm new to the community and just venturing into the world.  

I'm a pet who lives in a very closed minded place. So this is fun to find a place to be my self.

Look forward to more. 

Bye for now..