thank you for reading my first ever blog.
i got a whole lot to say so this might be quite long
but it probably won’t since I have add
look over there a boobie, a tree, god damnit where did I put my keys?
ahh yes I have you laughing now
but I have to admit it not all of this Tao
just covers my pain like fresh snow from a plow
but it still hurts inside though I cover my frown
i admire what makes me different I find it a great advantage and it’s all I can be
its just sometimes hard when know one ever seems to see
how much I care for others my sisters my brothers but no one wants to be my lover they treat me like a disease
oh so different but the same I guess unattractive which feels pretty lame
another single male sub all alone like a lost little cub don’t think I’ll ever find someone to show me unconditional love
no one ever wants me to play so I kneel down and pray with both hands and I look high above but their isn’t a twig leaf and no fucking dove
just me all alone and my life has clearly shown that it’s bad company at least that’s how it feels while I swallow more pills and I start to feel numb
you see I got this big heart I got a fake smile That knows how to lie hides the agony inside I’ve lost all my pride but I shut my fucking mouth and roll with the tide