Rarely do I pass up a fun challenge. Thank you, Pure 😊
yes… I have a retro pink bathroom, and I love it! 😁
The rest? Well, that’s pretty self explanatory 💕
Rarely do I pass up a fun challenge. Thank you, Pure 😊
yes… I have a retro pink bathroom, and I love it! 😁
The rest? Well, that’s pretty self explanatory 💕
It’s easy to fuck.
What is hard is showing your weak, ugly self.
And what is even harder is sharing your most beautiful parts, and asking someone to hold them safe.
It’s easy to fuck.
What is hard is finding someone who makes you want to become brave, and risk taking off your armour.
And what is even harder is realising that they weren’t the right one, despite what your heart told you.
How can a heart be wrong?
It’s easy to fuck.
What is hard is learning to fight your battles without creating casualties of you both, trying to become a soft place for the other to land should they need.
And what is even harder is owning all your failures, including overlooking how unhappy they were.
How can we miss seeing the person closest to us?
It’s easy to fuck.
What is hard is picking up your pieces and moving on, trying to gather up everything as to not leave any traces.
And what is even harder is knowing that they’ll always have pieces of you, just another story added to the pile.
It’s easy to fuck.
What is hard is realising that no matter how much you hope, some people only have the capacity for easy.
And what is even harder is accepting that’s not you.
“I use love to gaslight myself,” I said.
“I’m such a fool.”
‘Of course,’ she said, placing her hands gently over her heart.
‘We all want love. And we have all learned to do whatever we need to do to find that love.’
‘Instead of rejecting that part of yourself, just hold her close and tell her “of course”.’
💕 We all need wise women in our lives. If you don’t have one just now… this share is for you 💕
Shame is something I have recently been exploring within myself. Where it comes from, what triggers it, how it has impacted my life.
There was a belief behind this… a drive. If I could overcome feeling shame I’d be free. Free from caring about judgement.
It occurred to me this morning whilst reading a book from one of my favourite authors, that perhaps we never overcome shame… and perhaps we don’t need to. Maybe it’s in the acceptance of the discomfort of the shame that comes up when we truly bare ourselves to another, that we find peace. Maybe it’s the shame itself that indicates that we truly are being vulnerable. That uncomfortable feeling of being exposed.
Just some thoughts.
Let’s hear it for the Men who face their demons.
Let’s hear it for the Men who can sit with discomfort.
Let’s hear it for the Men who’ve let go of FOMO.
Let’s hear it for the Men who want to do the work…
I see you. Thank you 💕
When we are young, it’s the illusion of perfection that we fall in love with.
As we age, it’s the humanness that we fall in love with- the poignant stories of overcoming, the depthful vulnerability of aging, the struggles that grew us in karmic stature, the way a soul shaped itself to accommodate its circumstances.
With less energy to hold up our armor, we are revealed and, in the revealing, we call out to each other’s hearts.
Where before wounds turned us off, they are now revealed as proof that God exists.
Where we once saw imperfect scars, we now see evidence of a life fully lived.
~Jeff Brown~
Just because she’s timid and shy,
doesn’t mean she’s not perverted.
Just because she cries freely,
doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to hurt.
Just because she has a tender heart,
doesn’t mean she doesn’t crave cruelty.
Just because she seems like she might break,
doesn’t mean she’s scared of the darkness.
She can’t compartmentalise.
Offering everything.
All that can be seen, yet so much more.
So, why does that make you afraid of her?
Or, for her?
Can those realms not be explored together?
For some reason the way she is seems to make people want to love and protect her.
She loves that.
But she still needs a Monster.
So, if you’re going to be the One to protect her from the monsters… then she needs it to be You.
https://thecage.co/https://images.thecage.co/static/no-image-found.pngAlthough I’d say my ass isn’t a great feature of mine 🤪, for the sake of a fun challenge, here it is:
and what would life be without some lovely bruises to accompany an ass?!:
*not my writing*
I’m telling you
she does not belong.
Not to one person,
not to one place,
not to one set of ideals.
Her mind changed her heart,
which changed her mind.
She was nothing
if not completely free.
Maybe we’re just afraid of anyone constantly searching.
Anything that didn’t clip her wings
or make her feel caged
was exactly where she was meant to be.
You’ve got to respect the things unafraid of going off path.
And she would always be the type
to lose herself
trying to find her own ways.
I suppose the river doesn’t compete with the earth,
it carves its own path.
It doesn’t brag,
or boast,
or beat its chest.
It just flows.
And the moon doesn’t try to outshine the stars.
It just glows.
The flowers
amidst the trees
which radiate and uphold life,
they only grow.
She wasn’t free because she knew where she was going.
She was free because she didn’t need to know.
J. Raymond
From Spades/Let Her Run.