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Sadie's Sweets

Wicked and sweet thoughts of a sadist.
5 years ago. January 11, 2020 at 1:24 AM

Had to take my mom to a new medical facility so I did some "shopping" while we waited for the Doctor to arrive. Nice stuff in this office!


5 years ago. January 9, 2020 at 11:43 PM

Discover the benefits and realities of Rose Quarts Yoni Eggs.


You can purchase a similar set like the one featured in the video through my affiliate link: Rose Quartz Yoni Eggs


Yoni Eggs can enhance your Kegels and supercharge your orgasms. If you practice crystal healing the benefits of rose quartz help you feel more secure in yourself and your sexuality. 


5 years ago. January 8, 2020 at 9:06 PM

Kink Life Problems - That moment in your vanilla video conference when you realize that your sjambok wants more screen time than it got in last night's kink video shoot...


5 years ago. January 8, 2020 at 8:57 PM

Kink Life Problems - That moment in your vanilla video conference when you realize that your sjambok wants more screen time than it got in last night's kink video shoot...


5 years ago. January 8, 2020 at 1:15 AM

The AMA question was how do I like to cause pain so I made this fun little video! Check out the full version on YouTube!

5 years ago. January 3, 2020 at 11:01 PM

Give yourself permission!

Laugh out loud!

Scream when you cum!

Do something silly!

Free yourself to be you!

5 years ago. January 2, 2020 at 11:32 PM

So there I was with a huge krink in my neck that could use some profound deep tissue massage. Booked in the studio all day... well that just isn't going to happen. That's when I thought... if only I had something to pound on my neck with... 

Hello! Dominatrix!

That's when I ran to my on-the-go toy bag and pulled out these beautiful toys:

Gives pain, relieves pain - 2-in-1 toys! Gifted me by a dear friend.



5 years ago. December 31, 2019 at 11:55 PM

Every time I hit the studio to record the Talkin' Taboo Podcast there are always surprising changes. This time it's ultra-fancy black draping.

Check out the latest episode at

5 years ago. December 27, 2019 at 11:57 PM

Rose Quartz Yoni Eggs enhance your Kegels and can help balance your root and sacral chakras for better, balanced sex! *Ensure that you cleanse and disinfect rose quartz properly!


5 years ago. December 26, 2019 at 11:59 PM

Finding Kink In All The New Places!

Musicforme2 joins GvS, and Sadie to talk about what it's like to move to a new state and move into a new kink community. Personal experience, great advice found here. Additionally, we discuss Holiday Gifts kink style!
Listen to New Podcasts via the Cage Podcast listings, iTunes, or anywhere else you can listen to excellent podcasts!

Also available on its original host with extensive archives:

Talkin' Taboo via ThinkTwiceRadio
Talkin' Taboo is a BDSM oriented podcast modeled after NPR's magazine-style radio programs.

From living the lifestyle to just in the bedroom, all things erotic, exotic, sensual, and seductive discussed here. Real People. Real Kink. Real Experiences. Talkin' Taboo! also fosters acceptance of diverse sexual orientations and erotic expressions through information, education, and entertainment. Creating a world where individuals can express their kink without stigma or shame, one podcast at a time.

Talkin' Taboo Podcast presents its real-life extension, [Real Kink Events][], including the [Metro Series of Meet-ups:][] in accordance with their missions.

Talkin' Taboo's mission is to celebrate all things erotic, exotic, sensual, and seductive, as well as foster acceptance of diverse sexual orientations and erotic expressions through information, education, and entertainment. Creating a world where individuals can express their kink without stigma or shame, one podcast at a time.

Real Kink Events' mission is to foster a safe, inclusive, sanctuary / sacred space / Peaceable Kinkdom, in which individuals can have fun while they explore, play, learn, teach, and skill-share.

The Metro Munch is an intimate get-together where questions can be asked and answered, great conversations can be had, and wonderful friendships can be formed.

Real Kink Events, the Metro Series of Meet-ups, and Talkin' Taboo are properties of Sadie McMaster aka SweetheartSadie.