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The Psychology of Domination

4 years ago. February 3, 2020 at 4:41 PM

People respond well to an authority figure and will adhere to the commands of that figure along with mold to a set of rules but it’s an authority figure not an authoritative figure meaning that one who enforces the rules within reasons and reasonably sets expectations and restrictions instead of “running” their sub as if it were a dictatorship. people don’t respond well to that because it creates a sense of resentment among those being controlled over which is not what the dominant wants. being an authority figure would create a sense of relief from responsibility as you the dominant begin to relive responsibility and give the sub a sense of freedom from everything they have to shoulder in the world. domination is not about just being a power figure but also a way to heal the sub in a sense give them completely freedom from all control and everything that has been bothering them or like lifting all the weight off of them and holding it for a while so they can get away and simply live and enjoy.

4 years ago. February 3, 2020 at 4:30 PM

Punishments will be issued when needed and the punishments vary per submissive as each submissive has a set of things they enjoy and set of things they don’t enjoy so that means every partner will be completely different. Punishments come in 2 different forms positive punishments and negative punishments, positive and negative do not mean good and bad it’s means something completely different. a positive punishment is adding something to the subs life, for example adding spankings because your sub was sassy or adding 20 minutes of straight flogging, or adding a period where she has to sit with something inside of her for a period of time. negative punishments are when you remove something from the subs life like taking away their privilege to cum (edging them maybe), or taking away their warmth like having a fan on during the session or taking away their ability to speak with a gag (could also be positive punishment). there’s also a few different ways to improve behavior and encourage a behavior there’s positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement, which means you’re adding something the submissive enjoys like say maybe they get another orgasm for that day or they will get some kind of treat like ice cream or something like a dinner date but negative reinforcement is taking away something the sub doesnt like, for example say the submissive did something good and you want to reward her so then you say take away a chore she has to do. reinforcement will encourage a behavior to happen more often and punishment will discourage a behavior from happening.