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The Isolation Diaries

Just some thoughts and musings whilst remote working in self isolation...
1 year ago. March 27, 2023 at 7:36 AM

…you know what’s really sad.  The apparent requirement to say that you are not into anything illeagal on your profile, then having to specifying what that includes.


a testament to how the internet has broke us all.  


1 year ago. March 22, 2023 at 10:59 AM

…I dunno what I was going to type here, I just liked the title, thought it fitted but had no real context…I’m sure there’s probably some kinda hidden meaning there.

If any of you are thinking of forming a femdom themed post hardcore band, or already in one and are about to release an album feel free to use the title of this entry.

1 year ago. February 27, 2023 at 10:40 AM

How do cagebots,


Blog entry no2 today you lucky things you,


Just been speaking to one of my friends who revealed a terrible thing to me today.


First of all some context.  I know not many of you are from the west coast of Scotland, far fewer from Ayrshire.  So I reckon a bit of background is in order.

In the last year of primary school every year there would be a trip to a magical place called Millport.  Milport is a small island where there’s very little to do…apart from cycle round it.


What made this place magical was a joke shop. It sold alsorts from farting gas, to blackface soap and even the holy grail of all problematic joke shop Goods.  Shite in a can.

The hours of fun had with that stuff made memories.  Coupled with fart was just the stuff dreams were made of.


Anyways my friend told me that not only is this shop now closed, but kids can no longer get shite in a can thus robbed of this simple pleasure.


on reflection it is probably a good thing for environmental reasons cos I don’t think the contents were  entirely organic.

still…sad times


1 year ago. February 27, 2023 at 9:25 AM

How do cagebots,

Todays musings.  How is one meant to have a proper per…I mean look, and your profile properly if all we have is your gender and how long you’ve been a member.


It’s a bit of a bugbear of mine.  


kinda curious as to the reasons.  I get it if you have just joined and maybe not worked out what to say…however if you are on most days and have been here a few months I reckon it’s only fair you tell us a little about yourself.  And not that bdsm %thing which isn’t even mathematically correct.


a bit of a rant, apologies.  Reckon it’s cos I’ve spent the morning wrestling with the works vpn.


how’s about a fun little challenge, if you are one of the cage blanks and you are reading this, put three things about yourself on your profile.  Make at least one of the things not kink related…we just want to know you lol




1 year ago. February 26, 2023 at 10:38 PM

How do cage bots,


Bit of break from my usual meandering nonsense tonight.  I’ve seen on another site and also on here that alot of folks seem to use kink/bdsm dynamics as some sort of therapy to deal with issues far and wide ranging from things like problems with weight, past trauma even a fear of spiders…

I’m never one to judge others for their choices however I do wonder just how healthy relying on somebody who may not necessarily be emotionally equipped enough to deal with their own issues never mind yours is.  Though I suppose it could work in some sort of symbiotic way.

Don’t get me wrong, I have quite a chaotic mindset and find being given a singular focus very calming.  However I would never dream of using anyone I was talking to as some sort of free therapist.  

I suppose I was just curious on what everyone else’s take on this is.  Please don’t take this post as any sort of attack as I know how sensitive these things can be.  Mental health is a big thing for me and I am just a naturally curious person and figured this is quite a good place to ask as most in here and pretty,dare I say, sensible.  Certainly compared to other sites.

anyhoo cagebots, I look forward to seeing what you say.


till next time,






1 year ago. February 22, 2023 at 8:46 AM

Working from home is the best.  Not having to deal with traffic, real people or even clothes…though I do put clothes on they are totally optional.


However when your workload drops off it can be pretty hard going,


asked boss for some development time but turns out they are off today..booo


so left twiddling my thumbs trying to work out what to do with my day.  Open to suggestions, just no skydiving or zorbing cos I’ll need to stay pretty close to the laptop incase it picks up.

1 year ago. February 14, 2023 at 10:16 PM

Hope you’ve all been good to each other and there were more damp patches than babies made.




1 year ago. February 10, 2023 at 11:01 AM

It’s now a week from me becoming actual middle aged, or fucking ancient if I lived in 1950’s Glasgow.

I’ve said before it’s not something that really bothered me, perpetual Peter Pan that I am.  Then I got the results from my bloods back and it turns out that zombie toe is Infact arthritic toe.  The dread set in.  I’m gittin’ auld.  Like proper old.  Not got the grey hairs yet, to be fair I started loosing it in my mid 20’s.  It took a moment for the realisation that I’m now, like proper adult aged.  Like a real grown up.  *shudder*

anyways once I got over the dread I done what any normal person dose when they become acutely aware of their own mortality, stuck on some porn and had a wank…




till next time


1 year ago. February 6, 2023 at 11:56 AM

Hello cage bots,

I’ve decided by the end of this year I’m going to be in a better position than I am at the moment in terms of work.  

What this means is playing the game.  Anyone who has worked in a call centre for any period of time will know what this means.  

those who have not it basics means getting noticed ( not brown nosing), showing how useful you are ( again not brown nosing) and being quite ruthless, potentially cutting the literal throat of your colleagues to get ahead.


It’s a process I have been through before at another employers and the trial of dead left in my wake was evidence of my success.  However when I moved I had to start all over and frankly didn’t have the energy.  Stabbing folks is tiring.

looking forward to the challenge though.  Victory or death.

1 year ago. February 5, 2023 at 2:25 PM

Coming on 3 weeks of not being able to put a shoe on,  going to be quiet honest.,.I’m a bit fed up with not being able to do much of use.   Think the wife must be feeling the same.


Turns out zombie toe is not a correct term, doc says it is possibly gout or arthritis.  Gout I could live with cos I know that can get to fuck quite easily.  Arthritis…I’ll be honest, I’m not as keen on.  

Bloods have been drawn, need to go in for a second run of bloods cos the white blood cell count was quite high.  They said probably because of infection but they want to be sure.  Being a bit mental in the past I know the implications may be of that.  I know that is just my faulty wiring that’s jumping my head there.  


hopefullly It’ll clear up this week so I can get back to what passes for normal in this post apocalyptic hell scape.


Anyhoo, next time there’ll be more wimsey or self exploration…