At work we have this lovely thing we have to do called StandOut. The weekly check ins are annoying but you take this test and mine came out really spot on. Every week they send you a tip. Mine today was:
"Remember: your strength is your ability to see the best in others. They sense that, if they stick with you, you will make them a vital part of something significant. And so they are drawn to you."
I have always said my engery is like flies to a light. For me this makes sense, and is true. It's why I think I thought teaching was the career for me. (Turns out it was not)
But let me tell you the down side of always being the one is everyone looks to. sadly more often than not I get used. When I need something it's crickets...when I need a shoulder or anchor.....nothing. or as I have heard to many times your vital right as you are.....I am a bit over it.
I am sorry for venting about this double edge sword. I am a is what I have been put on this earth to do.
When it comes to submitting..being in a dynamic I think there are a lot like me. Who are helpers....people pleasers. Some of us (cough cough) get off on praise. There has to be a line drawn a hard limit. I have seen it over 26 years (damn it feel old) of being in the community where the checking in and really understanding and listening does not happen as much as it should.
My question to those in the dominant type role is have you really truly checked in? Not just are you good...ok. dig deeper....then dig deeper more.