OK boys and girls let's talk about safety. On the Internet it's all well-and good physically if things get too rough you just X out. But eventually we are going to wanna meet the person who has got us hot and bothered. That's when we need to start thinking about physical safety boys and girls. There a lot a different method you can-do the Internet is full of them. Here Are a few that I think can keep everybody safe or and allow them to have a good time .
1) Always arrange your 1st meeting in a public place and by public place I don't mean anything involved with the lifestyle, a restaurant is good a coffee-house as good a bookstore even, some place where normal societie rules will apply.
2) Safe calls, I can't over express how important safe calls are. A safe call is nothing more then a prearranged time in which you call a designated person to let them know you're OK. Notice I said call not text the reason for this is anyone can send a text from your device you're safe call person should be able to hear the tone of your voice. I as well I suggest a coded word let them know you're OK . Never deviate from the plan or location that you set out with your safe call don't go to a different location don't miss the time.
3) Play we all go to these meetings with the hope that play will happen and sometimes we feel pressure that it should go with your gut however never take the 1st meet back-to your place of residence pic a neutral motel equal distances from both residence. I recommend do not allow yourself any sort of bondage the 1st time out it put you in a bad situation both parties should understand and respect that 1st meet a need for security no matter how deep or excited you are about the meat keep in mind if things go well there will be more the 1st meet should always be about learning each-other meeting each-other and proceeding from their .
These are just a few items to help keep you save on your 1st meet I hope it helps
Now back-to You're regularly scheduled madness