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5 years ago. July 16, 2019 at 4:36 AM

There are so many clouds of doubt in my mind. So many questions. It seems that once I find an answer, it just creates more questions and doubts. Its been this way forever. Hopefully, I can find the one to clear away these horrible clouds

6 years ago. November 21, 2018 at 3:28 AM

This isnt meant for anyone. This is simply a platform qith which to air out my own feelings and thoughts. The pain and loneliness comes in waves. Along with the happiness and peace. The peace never lasts. The pain never lasts. Everything is temporary. Enthropy is at the very core of everything we as humans do. It cannot be stopped. It cannot be slowed. We are just fighting the waves that are slowly chipping away at the rock that is our lives. 

6 years ago. September 16, 2018 at 11:10 PM

Why? I try and try but always ruin myself. I do for others, i forget about myself. I put what should be the most important things in life last. I am a failure. I couldn't do the things I promised. I couldn't be the person I so desperately want to be. I Failed