Online now
Online now

Online Now

5 years ago • Apr 23, 2019

Online Now

Bunnie • Apr 23, 2019
I’m wondering... how does our “online now” listing work? When I went to a page that showed who had been online recently, I realised that I hadn’t seen any of the people who had been online recently. I always see the same list of people (give or take the comings and goings). Is it kind of like an algorithm that predicts who you interact with most often, and narrows it to those people... kind of like Facebook does? It’s likely I’m missing something as I’m pretty technologically challenged... is it settings? Am I missing something?
Cage Monkey​(staff)Verified member
Cage Monkey​(staff)Verified member
5 years ago • Apr 23, 2019
Cage Monkey​(staff)Verified member • Apr 23, 2019

Thanks for noticing a small glitch we've been having there in the past week. I fixed it now.

The "More users recently online" button shows a list of users who are not presently online, with users most recently online first.

So no fancy prediction algorithms (yet) Just a bug causing the list not being displayed in the correct order.
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5 years ago • Apr 23, 2019
Bunnie • Apr 23, 2019
@ CM, thank you for explaining it to me icon_smile.gif