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MasterPapaBear​(dom male)
4 years ago • Jan 7, 2020
MasterPapaBear​(dom male) • Jan 7, 2020
There is some very very very bad advice posted here, and very very very bad for many reasons.
@Lossofalme actually hit the nail on the head, clinical counseling , therapy is essential your overall well being.
While it may not be a cure all, getting past lifes trauma will benefit you as a person, not just in being a submissive.
Focus on yourself and healing, your Husband should be involved in this process and not excluded!
Your husband is your life partner, for someone to suggest for you to forsake your husband and the sanctity of your marriage
and play around on the internet is disingenuous! and wrong!
If your husband consents to your pursuit of BDSM, then so be it, as stated above the clinical approach should be strongly considered.
Lets not become codependent on something very external, and very artificial, to deal with something internal, and traumatic.

Best wishes!
4 years ago • Jan 8, 2020
slaveforfun • Jan 8, 2020
BDSM is really less about sex than what you may think , I know you must have a million questions and some counseling may be or not be helpful for where all this is going depending on where you find it . With all you have been through , I get a feeling you may just need someone to talk to who understands where you are at in life today and the frustrations of it all . What you want is very important and how you achieve that success has many different roads to satisfy your feelings . I have studied hypnotherapy about 15 years although don't do it for a living if you just want to talk , feel free to contact me
Stevevo​(dom male)
4 years ago • May 28, 2020
Stevevo​(dom male) • May 28, 2020
Step outside of the physical thoughts of bdsm for a bit and change the standard gender roles to non-binary.

In the simplest forms, You get dominant and submissive personality traits.

What do dominate/submissive people do in their daily lives that doesn’t involve bdsm? Of course you can have a Dom/sub relationship outside of the bedroom.

Whichever you associate as is who you are as a person. Bdsm is an extension of you and your dominant or submissive personality traits.

You’re looking for someone to be dominant from someone who isn’t.
Stevevo​(dom male)
4 years ago • May 28, 2020
Stevevo​(dom male) • May 28, 2020
As for counseling;

I would always seek someone with experience in your specific area of trauma that also specializes in NLP.

Neuro Linquistics Programming can help with blocks, trauma, and triggers.