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So what are your favorite bdsm movies

MegsDandelion{Obviously }
4 years ago • Jan 14, 2020
MegsDandelion{Obviously } • Jan 14, 2020
In no way is this movie SSC or intended to be part of the BDSM world, but it definitely has some themes OP might enjoy. There is this really obscure German movie, called Meins. It involves a woman holding a man captive in a forced relationship kind of way. Parts of it are somewhat clumsy but the overall theme is appealing . I also like how it included simple parts of life that -because of the captivity- became somewhat adorably intimate. Like shaving a man cuffed to the sink.
xwillowx{Not lookin}
4 years ago • Jan 14, 2020

Spoiler alert!!

xwillowx{Not lookin} • Jan 14, 2020
BeneathHerNow wrote:
Thanks I just recently had the pleasure of watching "The Piano Teacher". I was so upset in the final scene when she stabbed herself so badly and just walked away.
It was fascinating and a well done movie. I will check out the book.

No spoilers please! Lol
xwillowx{Not lookin}
4 years ago • Jan 14, 2020
xwillowx{Not lookin} • Jan 14, 2020
Burlesque.. while it's not a BDSM movie I was captivated by the way the Burlesque dancers moved their bodies with sexual abandon. They let their spirit and female energies just FLOW.
CharismaBunny​(sub female)
4 years ago • Jan 15, 2020

Unhealthy, But I like it anyway. Like Icecream.

CharismaBunny​(sub female) • Jan 15, 2020
Like some others here, I've got to agree that Secretary was/is still my favorite movie depicting bdsm. Not to say that it's by any means the best representation of bdsm--it is very flawed in that aspect, but it was the first/only movie that I had seen which had characters openly engaging in a bdsm relationship. Something about it was really wholesome and struck a chord with me. Just my humble opinion.
Byrdie​(switch female){rl only}
4 years ago • Jan 15, 2020

Re: So what are your favorite bdsm movies

BeneathHerNow wrote:
Looking for movies in the submissive man / dominant women vein but any will do.

There aren't many mainstream films about dominant women into kink, but I can think of a few right off the bat:

* Punish Me: a May-December romantic German film, it's problematic considering that the submissive submissive male character is not of consenting age when he starts pursuing the relationship. It’s a wonderfully insightful film, and I think it’d be more popular if not for the age squick.

* Preaching to the Perverted: comedy about a British civil servant who is sent to go undercover at a professional dominant's dungeon in the hopes of bringing her operation down. Some fairly impressive fetish activities are highlighted.

* Exit to Eden: the first of this genre that I ever watched. It's a Rosie O'Donnell / Dan Ackroyd buddy cop comedy, but features the dominant woman's and male submissive's story almost as much - if not more so. One of the more memorable lines is, "Why are we the only ones here without handcuffs?"
BeneathHerNow​(sub male)
4 years ago • Jan 16, 2020
BeneathHerNow​(sub male) • Jan 16, 2020
thank you they all went on my list (I love foreign films so can't wait to see Punish Me)

Sorry for the spoiler.
Byrdie​(switch female){rl only}
4 years ago • Jan 16, 2020
I forgot a couple, again, problematic ones.

The first is actually based on an actual, grisly Japanese court case. The first 2/3rds to 3/4ths are really hot. The last bit ... well, that depends on what you fantasize about. eek. In the Realm of the Senses was a 70's Japanese-French production. It's somewhere between software and art-house porn: a beautiful, intense, mostly sexy film. A woman working in a hotel (I think) meets a rich, married visitor who hits on her. She becomes his mistress in the traditional, and later the kinky-sense.

The second I originally saw as a play, and it was later made into a film by admitted rapist and subsequent fugitive Roman Polanski: Venus in Fur, based on Leopold von Sacher-Masoch's - the namesake of masochism - Venus in Furs. The book was ... odd. I didn't understand the main character's motivation and the ending and summary seemed rushed and tacked on, like he'd put the manuscript away for a while and then realized he should just get it over with. The play starts out normally, gets kinda hot, and then veers into being trippy. I'm guessing the film does the same, but I haven't seen it.
Meg​(dom female){NotLooking}
4 years ago • Jan 16, 2020
BeneathHerNow wrote:
Meg wrote:
BeneathHerNow wrote:
Thanks I just recently had the pleasure of watching "The Piano Teacher". I was so upset in the final scene when she stabbed herself so badly and just walked away.

Spoiler much? Not cool.

Sorry Meg if I ruined it for you. I didn't even think of that.
Mea Culpa

is ok. im so friggin sleep deprived i probably won't remember <3