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Blog posts and confusion

Just Jessy​(switch gender queer){Owned}
3 years ago • May 19, 2020

Blog posts and confusion

In so confused. Why are all the blog people blogging the same things? There was an art thing, another thing, a shape of thing, and as a cage blogger who has had life get in the way of my blogging, I'm very confused! I feel left out of some community-wide thing that's going on. Can someone explain please?
dollMaker​(dom male)
3 years ago • May 19, 2020
dollMaker​(dom male) • May 19, 2020
SensualSubGirl​ has made some suggestions for blog challenges, the CAF Art one and the Shape one and Chimera has a complements based one. These are open to members to take part in or not. Its fun and a nice way to create activity that cage members can take part in, to build community. In saying that those who chose not to take part, are just as much a part of the community.

Last time, I recall, this happened was a change you avatar to reflect days in the week, that was a long time ago, couple of years. Its nice to see the current fun challenges and I am happy to have taken part in a few.

The links and info regarding these challenges are to be found on those members blogs and forum posts.

I hope you might consider taking part.
    The most loved post in topic
Dellydoodah​(neither female)
3 years ago • May 20, 2020
Took me a while to respond to those blogs you mention..partly because I was confused too..
I'm not artistic..was worried about showing me..and why would I want to compliment people in a blog when I could tell them directly?
Seriously though, it has shown the person behind the name or the words they choose to put into a profile more than I could have imagined... the who and what they are and their talents. It has high-lighted the bravery of people who say THIS IS ME...accept me as I am ..and it's allowed people to display their feelings of admiration, for their friends and for folks they will never meet and to say why.