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Does monogamy exist in the D/s world?

MrMeltron​(dom male)
4 years ago • May 25, 2020
MrMeltron​(dom male) • May 25, 2020
I identify as dom, and while I have a few fantasies about certain group situations, at heart what I am looking for is definitely monogamous. So, we're out here!
Bo Peep​(sub female)
4 years ago • May 25, 2020
Bo Peep​(sub female) • May 25, 2020
All forms of relationships exist within the BDSM world, there's no fast rule. You can choose to be a part of whatever kind you want, the struggle is finding a partner/partners who also want to be involved in the same kind of relationship as you, so it will take time to find the right person/people.
Sariel​(sadist female){Master Sar}
4 years ago • May 30, 2020
Okay I myself am a woman who is married to a woman. I am in a monogamous relationship but I also own well over 200 sub/slaves male and female. Besides, some I am ready to release on their own. I been in this lifestyle since I was 18 yrs of age. You can be in a monogamous relationship and still have slaves. It just require a lot of work and time. Besides everyone that honestly live this lifestyle are in it for different reasons. The only live in sub/masochist I ever had is my wife.
Sariel​(sadist female){Master Sar}
4 years ago • May 30, 2020
Okay I myself am a woman who is married to a woman. I am in a monogamous relationship but I also own well over 200 sub/slaves male and female. Besides, some I am ready to release on their own. I been in this lifestyle since I was 18 yrs of age. You can be in a monogamous relationship and still have slaves. It just require a lot of work and time. Besides everyone that honestly live this lifestyle are in it for different reasons. The only live in sub/masochist I ever had is my wife.
Mr Fuzzy Bear​(dom male)
4 years ago • May 30, 2020
Mr Fuzzy Bear​(dom male) • May 30, 2020
I am Dominant, a bit old fashioned and monogamy is the only kind of relationship I would have. Men and women in the BDSM and vanilla world have issues with staying faithful so they look for any justification to not be! Do not listen to people who would lead you to settle for anything less than what will make you happy!!!
LostGirl Aria​(sub female){♡G.W.N.♡}
4 years ago • May 30, 2020
In my opinion,
Yes it does exist. If you're monogamous in general, I cannot see why you can't be in within your BDSM relationship/dynamic.

Being monogamous can be highly frustrating, that I will vouch for. It does seem pointless at times, but just like with any relationship... Some prefer not to be monogamous. If that's not something you're willing to accept or adapt too, it may take trial & error before you find the 'one' who suits you as well as your preferences.
venia​(sub female){Lextelonis}
4 years ago • May 30, 2020
In my experience, the majority of long term BDSM relationships that I know of are monogamous. For me, personally, my BDSM relationship requires all of my time, energy, and effort, and my Dom puts all of his time, energy, and effort into me. I don’t think that is unusual at all.

I have seen beautiful poly relationships, too, so it can definitely be done and done well. I suspect that there may seem to be an over abundance of “poly” Doms here because many are using the site as a release valve from a vanilla wife/ relationship at home. Some come here intending to collect online subs for their own side entertainment or ego gratification, while many, of course, are sincerely and openly ethically non monogamous.
GvS​(other male)
4 years ago • May 31, 2020
GvS​(other male) • May 31, 2020
It's difficult enough to find a monogamous partner in the vanilla world. Try throwing kink into the mix, and it's even more difficult. I think this has brought about a greater acceptance of the ideas that monogamy is not the only possibility, that D/s-type relationships may not be romantic or sexual in nature, and are not neccesarily incompatible with monogamy. (Depending, of course, on exactly how defines "monogamy". Like so many things in kink, different people may have different definitions, but the only definitions that matter are those of the people involved.) Personally, I am wary of any universal quantifiers about human behavior . I think that somewhere out there, someone is involved in whatever situation you can imagine, and if not, someone will thank you for the inspiration and give it a shot.
MrCopolo​(dom male){Cheekypixi}
3 years ago • Jul 21, 2020
It's all about the right match when everything fits together monogamy just works. I've been around this lifestyle long enough to have seen plenty and tried most things.

I've also had relationships which work on one level but other sides dont quite fit and hence had more than one submissive as each person brings something different to the table.

So I've walked both sides of the road so to speak. But when you get the right fit you dont need more you dont need different experiences different types of dynamic one dynamic one person one submissive fits you. That's what's hard to find and when you do fool be the one that lets it go..

So in my experience yeah monogamy exists within BDSM and D/s . It's all about fit. And well it's taken me 20yrs ... patience and perseverance.