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purple owl feather
4 years ago • Jun 12, 2020
purple owl feather • Jun 12, 2020
I was recently ghosted by a Dom I met here on the Cage. We met mid- March( right before Covid hit big) in a public place. We spent the day together walking, talking, eating and being just a little naughty. It was a fantastic day! We kept in touch for the past 3 months, with the goal of finding a place we could meet weekly, somewhere in between where we both live. Believe it or not, another friend from here offered his spare house that he was renovating for us to play in weekly! My Dom told me his availability, I set up our first meeting based on his schedule, then the day before we were going to meet, he said “ oops sorry can’t meet this week” and I literally never heard from him again! I did message him to have the decency to at least respond to let me know he was no longer interested- but nothing!
It’s weird because there was definite chemistry between us when we met the first time.
The above is something I posted a few days ago and after 2.5 weeks, guess who responded! Som
Nothing personal, saying he had family and business to attend to blah blah blah home you are well. I guess I’m thankful he responded? I love how Don’s say “ not interested in drama” but yet when they “ghost” that causes drama!
3 years ago • Nov 28, 2020
MrLotus • Nov 28, 2020
Sorry to hear this dear one. You deserve better
Quirkyrebel​(sub female)
3 years ago • Nov 29, 2020
Quirkyrebel​(sub female) • Nov 29, 2020
That's for fake lovers! Chat with real ones! They know love is just a game after all... :3

There's a lot of dishonest people who say they are looking for something... but they're really just fooling with you!

Save yourself the heartache and act as if chatting with them is like going to a comedy show! icon_biggrin.gif
nuli​(sub female){Unkolared}
3 years ago • Nov 29, 2020

Re: To everyone

[quote="sapphireblu"]Will you just stop!

I’ve been chatting with some for the last few days.
I was enjoying our chats, he to told me he was enjoying them too. Then all of a sudden crickets, radio silence, nothing.

If you don’t want to chat anymore just tell the person!
I’m a big girl, I get every conversation I start isn’t gone to lead to a happily ever after. Please respect me enough and let me know when our time is done.[/qote]

See now I have been accused of this or get an email asking if I have lost interest. I work in the home health and can get really busy. I do not always have time to email or chat. I try explaining that from the start and still get did you lose interest? . Sometimes life can happen and it's not always being ignored or ghosted. I work 40 hours plus ot every week thanks to covid and other not wanting or can't work.

Just my two cents worth
ElizaEmma​(sub female){NotLooking}
3 years ago • Nov 29, 2020
nuli wrote:
See now I have been accused of this or get an email asking if I have lost interest. I work in the home health and can get really busy. I do not always have time to email or chat. I try explaining that from the start and still get did you lose interest? . Sometimes life can happen and it's not always being ignored or ghosted. I work 40 hours plus ot every week thanks to covid and other not wanting or can't work.

The length in time lapse often differentiates someone being busy and swamped from someone losing interest. I don't expect a reply to email or text within the hour, or day, or the day after, but if I don't get a reply in two weeks, I can only assume I am being ghosted.