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Why is it so hard for me to find someone?

Sterenda​(switch female){{owned}}
6 years ago • Apr 28, 2018
I feel most my other advice has been covered but i would like to add this, you should really really stop tieing your self worth to being desired by anyone kinky or not The more confident and well put together the better off you will be on here and in life. people into kink are especially good at sniffing out whether or not a person has their stuff together. If they do not they will often steer away because most of them have very busy life and no time to really fix a new person that may or may not wander off on a whim.

That said there are 8 billion plus people in the world its mathematically impossible that your match is not out there.
Byrdie​(switch female){rl only}Verified Account
6 years ago • May 20, 2018

Black Beat - New York

Byrdie​(switch female){rl only}Verified Account • May 20, 2018
If there’s still an active Black Beat munch in New York, I guest that you attend. POC communities within kink tend to be fairly tight knit, and some non-locals may drive out to such a specialized gathering.

How many of those people would be intested in online play? I don’t know. However, there’s something about putting a voice to a username that may make folks less wary of you.

I wish you good luck!
1crazygirl​(sub female)
6 years ago • May 26, 2018


1crazygirl​(sub female) • May 26, 2018
I personally have no answer I am just here to say huggggs huggggggs huggggggs and that I feel you or empathize with you:)icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_wink.gif....I have no great words of advice cept DO YOU!!!
I am a 50 years young single woman and I have personally been waiting for that right one for loooooooooong time....I have been in a handful of long long long term relationships with both men and women....both vanilla and non vanilla...and the one thing I have learned is that I need to love/like enjoy myself....if you/me/anyone doesn't enjoy oneself being with themselves...cannot stand being alone cannot entertain themselves cannot make their own selves happy then it won't happen....You/me/anyone will not find or they will not find you or me or anyone attractive if you don't love/like your own self....ok now I'm rambling
Basically you have to love yourself or at least like yourself to love like anyone else.....soooooo start finding things you like to do or just do the things you enjoy go out into the world and do them or find new exciting hobbies try new things and you never know what may happen.....besides that my 2nd advice is always stand/sit up straight lick your lips and smile icon_smile.gificon_wink.gificon_smile.gificon_wink.gif!!!! after that say hhhhiiiiiii
1crazy girl/1cg/sarah