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I need clarification please

2 years ago • May 24, 2021
MrFulmen • May 24, 2021
I dunno why someone in that other conversation used the word "abuse." You'd have ask them.

I don't think that unicorn hunting is always abusive. I do think that very often the arrangement *isn't* clearly agreed to up front.

Most couples who I see unicorn hunting don't say "Seeking disposable prop to use in fulfilling our fantasies. We will always prioritize our relationship over your needs, and dump you the moment you become inconvenient. Call us!"

They often say they're looking for someone to join their family. They often say they want to prioritize meeting her needs. And I think that very often they believe it. In their fantasy they're going to treat their hypothetical third like a queen, but in their fantasy she fits into the role of third ideally and never creates any inconvenience for their relationship.