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When the hard limit comes to appearance...

alawey​(sub female){(OWNED BY }
2 years ago • Jun 13, 2021
I feel that it's the total package . Look I can honestly say that some of the guys I have dated in the past might not had been a10 shit even a7 in looks but when you add in how they carry themselves, treat others , sense of humor they suddenly r off the scale. And I believe if both are honest with themselves and each other you will know before you meet in person for play time. Being you tookyou time and really got to know one another. Thru video chats , phone calls , how they are towards others and final a vanilla meeting.
makemeplease​(sub female){Prussian}
2 years ago • Jun 25, 2021
House Talion wrote:
I'm shallow and that's not my problem.

Are you really 'shallow' though, or do you just have criteria you need met?

I'm not sexist but I'm not interested in a woman. I don't dislike young men, but I'm not interested in them sexually. I don't dislike smaller statured dudes, but I have a near 6'0" or better "requirement"...

Does that make me shallow or does that indicate that I know what I want?