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babyseb​(sub female)
3 years ago • Sep 16, 2021
babyseb​(sub female) • Sep 16, 2021
I appreciate the replies and I will think hard about all the questions mentioned. I don’t have the answers to them yet.
RTeacher​(dom male)
3 years ago • Sep 16, 2021
RTeacher​(dom male) • Sep 16, 2021
Sorry to hear about your situation babyseb. . .
My advice is for you to follow your hearth and listen to that little voice withing that speaks to you. . .

cherilynn​(sub female)
3 years ago • Sep 16, 2021
cherilynn​(sub female) • Sep 16, 2021
Honestly, if I were in your shoes, I would never speak to that bastard again. Honey, you weren't deceived by just him. They both deceived you and they are apparently very good at it.

If they are willing to do this to you now, think about what they would be willing to do to you in the future.

There are ethical nonmonogamous and poly folks out there. These two asshats are just that...asshats.

I am so sorry you have to go through this. You are worth so much more!
MrVesper​(dom male){Not Lookin}
3 years ago • Sep 17, 2021
He has lied to you, broken your trust and manipulated you into a no win situation. Of course the decision is up to you ultimately, but if I were in your situation, I would end it.

He is not protecting you. Down the road, he will do it again. He is not 'loving ' you but stroking his own ego. Sorry to be so blunt, but this is a familiar story I have witnessed and heard about for years. And it breaks my heart every time.

Every deep meaningful human relationship is determined by trust. It doesn't matter if you're vanilla, straight, gay, single, married. Trust is the cornerstone. Without it, the relationship cannot last, and is no longer a relationship but a form of abuse. You say you love him but he clearly does not love you based on his lack of transparency. Please search your heart, follow your instinct, and above all be careful with whatever decision you make moving forward.