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what's your style

5 years ago • Aug 8, 2018

what's your style

PussNBootz • Aug 8, 2018
Since I don't have much experience here but decided to look into this community I have found a few good books to read. It's very interesting to read published information vs some things I have been mailed/Bonded.

I have a pretty light heart so it's all "with a grain of salt". I just find it all interesting and in comparing the information it's almost like a rubix cube.

My question for the community is this:

"How did you fall into your style of submission or Dominance? Was it through experience, research, conversations, wants, etc?"

Thanks bunches icon_smile.gif
Byrdie​(switch female){rl only}
5 years ago • Aug 8, 2018
Without meaning to sound snarky, my honest answer to your question is: Yes, all of the above.

I've been in my local kink community for about 20 years, and before that I was doing research online or talking to kinky friends. I've read articles and books on kink, attending classes, lectures, and workshops, been to kinky conventions and munches and campouts, attended a weekend educational intensive, and actually played with people - starting with getting kinky sample scenes from friends ("tastings", as they're called in Seattle) and moving on to full-blown scenes.

So: yes!
5 years ago • Aug 8, 2018
PussNBootz • Aug 8, 2018
That's not snarky at all. I asked because I don't know and every one is different. Thank you icon_smile.gif