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Too Soon / Concern issues

5 years ago • Aug 15, 2018
bighairydaddy • Aug 15, 2018
It's not just public wifi, with the growing use of VPN's, you can sit in your home and hide your IP adress. As for being stupid to give out a number that you've linked to your facebook account. Not really. The truth is that we all do things without thinking it through. It's just becoming more apparent, the ammount of info we give away about ourselves without realising it. Just considering that people assume that because an app in on Appstore, that it's all above board. Not always the case. I used to assume that too. It's very easy to jusdge people as "stupid" for doing certain things, when we all do "stupid" things. I know I do. Regularly. The better word to use would be unaware.
5 years ago • Aug 15, 2018
FunCouple{.-Couple-.} • Aug 15, 2018
I agree with you boundngagged.

There are a lot of people unaware about protecting their data and give it out without realising or thinking.

In fact I had a similar conversation about that just the other day with my neighbor Fred Garvis.
Not Fred at #24, he’s on the other side of Alberts Street, but the Fred next door at #25.

If I might quote him ...
“Bill” he said “Your a good neighbor. You and the little lady, Betsy, are the best. I respect everything you have to say, seeing as how you went to Collage and the like. How is work down at MacDuggles Burgers? You want your kid to be manager too when he’s older? By the way, is your phone still 555-1234-1234 cause we want to invite you and the kids round for a BBQ next week”
FabSeverus​(dom male)
5 years ago • Aug 15, 2018
FabSeverus​(dom male) • Aug 15, 2018
boundngagged74 wrote:
It's not just public wifi, with the growing use of VPN's, you can sit in your home and hide your IP adress. As for being stupid to give out a number that you've linked to your facebook account. Not really. The truth is that we all do things without thinking it through. It's just becoming more apparent, the ammount of info we give away about ourselves without realising it. Just considering that people assume that because an app in on Appstore, that it's all above board. Not always the case. I used to assume that too. It's very easy to jusdge people as "stupid" for doing certain things, when we all do "stupid" things. I know I do. Regularly. The better word to use would be unaware.

I was using the word stupid for lack of common sense not being rude and insult one intelligence. Why one would mix his vanilla world with the kink side?
I hate facebook and hardly use it, but its true that its difficult to hide yourself now. Once you give a piece of data technologies of yourself, well the big machine does its work....
yes VPN are the best icon_wink.gif

One case from graiglist doesnt make a generality, car road accidents or police kill more people than a disturbed kinky mind
in my opinion
5 years ago • Aug 15, 2018
ric840147 • Aug 15, 2018
I think the point is to be aware that not all contacts have the best intention. It is regrettable we have to be on guard. We need to ask questions, take it slowly and most importantly be aware how we are feeling. If it doesn't feel right don't do it.

If something is to have substance it must be allowed to build. It must be allowed to move forward at a pace you are comfortable with. If the other person is genuine they are normally open taking things one step at a time and to a pace that you both feel comfortable with.

Having said all that a friend of mine just recently spent over a month texting and emailing a woman he meet online. I suggested he might think of video chatting instead of trying to txt/email all the time. It was only when he raised this topic with her that the truth came out. She began to make excuses as to why they couldn't video. Then she began having financial problems and finally asked for him to deposit money into an Asian bank account. She had told him she was an American living in New York. The thing that is worrying was the amount of time this person was willing to invest before asking for money.

On a positive ending there are so many good people out there don't let the bad ones stop you from trying. I've found some wonderful people online and maybe one special one just for me. icon_smile.gif
Miki​(masochist female)
5 years ago • Aug 15, 2018
Miki​(masochist female) • Aug 15, 2018
Trying to recall where this all started.. Oh yeah. In summary, when it comes to giving out info, caution is indicated for ALL internet-based relationships. Let's call it "Universal Precaution". Just like a first aid worker is taught to assume and protect themselves as though EVERYone they would treat has HIV or other STDs. Shame indeed we have to be that way, but even more so when meeting people on a site already populated by folks who are a wee bit off-center to begin with. Such are the interesting times we all live in.

Aside from the occasional chain-saw psycho who one could meet through here or any of the myriad other dating sites out there, as mentioned above, con artists. Ones who will play you along at whatever length of time it takes to get their hands on your checkbook.

* * * *

Oh yeah, and Anyone Anywhere online who says: "I'm not a serial killer."-- Well, have to take your word for it, don't we now? Well, the door swings both ways, especially the back door. I can assure all ye present that I am not Brian Griffin.

... but you gotta take MY word for it because no matter where, as the saying goes:

"On the Internet No One Knows You're a Dog."
* * * *

OK all done here, O. P., hope you get the drift. If Donny the Dom wants to KIK it into high gear a day or two after meeting you--- keep your options open--- but be ready to move on.

Rome was not built in a day, and neither are quality relationships.
5 years ago • Aug 15, 2018
bighairydaddy • Aug 15, 2018
Nice one Miki, I think you've just wrapped this thread up perfectly.