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best roping techniques

5 months ago • Jan 30, 2024

best roping techniques

Veni • Jan 30, 2024
What do you think are the best roping techniques to tie a woman, I want to try new things with my gf, but we are fairly new so your experiences would be invaluable to us, Thanks!
Miki​(masochist female)
5 months ago • Jan 30, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jan 30, 2024
There is a related thread that asks about Shibari--- However the most recent post by member "MissBonnie" that offers a link to her site that addresses all things rope.


Side note / factoid: When I was active as a sexual masochist I was roped and tied up in all kinds of interesting and tantalizing ways, very often.

In all cases, however, the one tying me up, including suspension bondage--- was very well versed in technique and above all: Safety.
dollMaker​(dom male)
5 months ago • Jan 30, 2024
dollMaker​(dom male) • Jan 30, 2024
My advice is don’t, you need to attend rope classes, and rope events to learn basic skills to more advanced. Rope is one activity that really requires in person learning, and while video and books will help give a bit of a foundation, to learn from, in person learning is vital. Its incredibly easy to cause nerve damage, shortlived and permanent life changing, by using rope bondage poorly.

Look for rope dojos, rope community in your locality, and approach them re attending. Most run introductory classes alongside more advanced ones so it should be possible to get involved without having to wait too long to do so.

While some will say these guys are old fashioned the Two Knotty Boys books and videos are a good introduction, but no substitute for in person learning. Start of tying large stuffies, wood chairs etc, not a person.
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Miki​(masochist female)
5 months ago • Jan 30, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jan 30, 2024
dollMaker wrote:
My advice is don’t, you need to attend rope classes, and rope events to learn basic skills to more advanced. Rope is one activity that really requires in person learning, and while video and books will help give a bit of a foundation, to learn from, in person learning is vital. Its incredibly easy to cause nerve damage, shortlived and permanent life changing, by using rope bondage poorly.

Look for rope dojos, rope community in your locality, and approach them re attending. Most run introductory classes alongside more advanced ones so it should be possible to get involved without having to wait too long to do so.

While some will say these guys are old fashioned the Two Knotty Boys books and videos are a good introduction, but no substitute for in person learning. Start of tying large stuffies, wood chairs etc, not a person.


Better reply than mine. While MissBonnie's link leads to all things rope, classes and actual experience (first with objects) is the only smart course of action.

But the overarching theme in my post and the quoted one: Safety.


The doms/ sadists who bound me up in many deliciously uncomfortable ways, usually for good old fashioned flagellation--- assured me at time of consent that they knew what they were doing, including proper study and focus on safety and hands-on training involving dummies or mannequins. Risky of course, at first (A level of trust is needed) but they were true to their word. They were well versed in binding a woman yet still paused to verify I was OK regarding proper circulation and no numbing of extremities from undue pressure on nerves. Once the binding was complete he waited, checked again and once that was clear--- the rest of the fun began. After that I knew I could trust that particular dick-slinger and he was my go-to guy for masochistic satisfaction.


Back to main topic: Session duration. A bondage/suspension bondage session does have time constraints beyond which things can easily go sideways for the sub.

So, @ O. P. -- do your due dilligence and do your homework before you go live with the ropes.

Oh.... the only fly in the soup would be where such "classes" would be in your particular area.

Some travel might be necessary but very much worth it if you want to tie her up good-- but in a safe manner. You can't go just anywhere and say "I wanna learn how to tie up my sub." -- odds are favorable they'll designate you as a twisted freak and throw you out the door ass over tea kettle.

That's where online information and references come in. Somewhere you'll find a reference to someone or some place that trains people on the art of bondage and you won't risk being looked at as if you came from Mars or a similarly creepy place.