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Pics of Dicks, Tits, Cunts, & Asses

Miki​(masochist female)
6 months ago • Mar 14, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Mar 14, 2024
Sincorrigible wrote:
Dick pics a total turn off. I don't give a shit what's in their pants till I've established what's going on between their ears.

Why men think we make decisions/choices based on their cocks is beyond me.

Tasteful body shots, clothed or not, are different. So few men make an effort with their pics that i find it refreshing when I see great pics, and will often send a message to say I appreciate them.

I dunno... maybe there's something exciting about posting those types of photos. Personally the only cocks I liked looking at were live, in person, and about to go down my throat... Back in the day, of course.

As for quality male photos, there's one in here who has a pic in a tux. Another in a dress shirt and well-tailored vest. Those I like. I guess I just dig the threads as they used to say.
TheReaper​(dom male)
6 months ago • Mar 14, 2024
TheReaper​(dom male) • Mar 14, 2024
So, after reading the OP opening, all I can say as a straight man, is that even with a woman showing off everything and that being all you see, it's not really a turn on. Having other photos of, say, tattoos or hobbies, then coming across a nude... that would be a surprise.
Now, I'm not saying showing only nudes is the wrong way to go. If you want to, go ahead. Me though... I like seeing what you're in to. Be it photography, animals, tattoos (yes I love art), paintings, or anything like that. Seeing the woman's interest and intellect is what turns me on personally.
Thank you for your time. I'll see myself out.
Miki​(masochist female)
6 months ago • Mar 14, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Mar 14, 2024
TheReaper wrote:
So, after reading the OP opening, all I can say as a straight man, is that even with a woman showing off everything and that being all you see, it's not really a turn on. Having other photos of, say, tattoos or hobbies, then coming across a nude... that would be a surprise.
Now, I'm not saying showing only nudes is the wrong way to go. If you want to, go ahead. Me though... I like seeing what you're in to. Be it photography, animals, tattoos (yes I love art), paintings, or anything like that. Seeing the woman's interest and intellect is what turns me on personally.
Thank you for your time. I'll see myself out.

Nice post and you didn't have to find the door.

Personally as I wrote before I won't post anything of that nature online. It lives long after the subject does.

As for arrt, glad you like "art" but, strictly hypothetically speaking, I'd bore you to death because I have no tats.. zero... and never will.. A further oddity no piercings, either. Not even my ears. Clip-ons work just fine when I decide to decorate my ears. I like and will keep myself in "original condition".

Of course to each their own, but one can find the measure of a man or woman by conversing with them. More depth than just going by their choice of "body art" they might have acquired in the past.... all too often you hear the sorry-ass story of the dude who had his girlfriend's name or likeness tattooed onto him--- only to break up with the creature and rue the day he got the ink. The same goes the other way of course.

But that's just me. Rock on!
TheReaper​(dom male)
6 months ago • Mar 14, 2024
TheReaper​(dom male) • Mar 14, 2024
Miki wrote:
As for arrt, glad you like "art" but, strictly hypothetically speaking, I'd bore you to death because I have no tats.. zero... and never will.. A further oddity no piercings, either. Not even my ears. Clip-ons work just fine when I decide to decorate my ears. I like and will keep myself in "original condition".

There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it also intrigues me. Art can be defined by many different things. So keeping, as some would say, a blank canvas, can also be considered art.
Miki​(masochist female)
6 months ago • Mar 14, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Mar 14, 2024
TheReaper wrote:
Miki wrote:
As for arrt, glad you like "art" but, strictly hypothetically speaking, I'd bore you to death because I have no tats.. zero... and never will.. A further oddity no piercings, either. Not even my ears. Clip-ons work just fine when I decide to decorate my ears. I like and will keep myself in "original condition".

There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it also intrigues me. Art can be defined by many different things. So keeping, as some would say, a blank canvas, can also be considered art.

Nice profile by the way. Nice pic in the mirror except I have to note that the towl rack behind you. The towel isn't folded quite right.
TheReaper​(dom male)
6 months ago • Mar 14, 2024
TheReaper​(dom male) • Mar 14, 2024
Miki wrote:
Nice profile by the way. Nice pic in the mirror except I have to note that the towl rack behind you. The towel isn't folded quite right.

Yeah, that's my son's towel.
DoseofCam​(sub female){Collared}
6 months ago • Mar 14, 2024
If their profile has a lot of doc pics it’s not really a turn off or a turn on for me.

It’s just their profile pics. They decided to express themselves through pictures and if expressing themselves means showing off the bits that’s all good with me.

I would just read their bio or talk to em anyway.

Although if we are talking and then he sends one outta the blue THEN it’s a turn off.
Don’t send unless asked to send
milla​(sub female)
6 months ago • Mar 14, 2024
milla​(sub female) • Mar 14, 2024
I don’t have an opinion on wether people should use them in their profile, but to put it like this; I wouldn’t pin that kind of pictures from strangers in a spank bank folder.

A picture of a body part, unless I know the person and have an attraction toward said person, wouldn’t make me feel anything really. Not offended, nor attracted. I’ve written a statement on 🦆pics out of the blue on my profile for a reason. I’m assuming they send them to get a reaction, which I don’t have for them.
aradialspire​(dom femme)
6 months ago • Mar 14, 2024
aradialspire​(dom femme) • Mar 14, 2024
We all have to remember that not everyone is here to make meaningful, lasting connections, and profiles are created for different reasons.

One of my favorite fetlifers of all time is a man that enjoys SPH (small penis humiliation), the light-hearted variety. He spends many hours each month crafting costumes and photoshoots for his little dink that are just adorable and hilarious! But his ENTIRE profile is just his dick doing silly things. He will not talk about anything other than his pictures because he's not here for that.

He's here for the laughs, nothing else.

Without that context, you might think the guy's a real freak. He's not, though; he's just got a *tiny* entertaining hobby.

Exhibitionism is a strange beast, and I won't knock anyone for engaging in it. I will, however, shit on someone for sending unsolicited nudes to someone that didn't ask for them.
Miki​(masochist female)
6 months ago • Mar 15, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Mar 15, 2024
DannyAngel wrote:

When I was younger I used to post dick pics on my profiles, like most guys do. We're just stupid like that.

But as I got to know the female psyche better and deeper, my mindset changed. I now know and even feel how repulsive they are most of the time.

(truncated quote-- I wanted to address one particular point)

Personally I would not call it "stupid". From what I learned from the myriad men I have known over the years, they're taught or conditioned to think girls and women (or gay men for that matter) get a thrill out of just seeing a dick.

In my experience I'm fine with seeing those-- in person, attached to a guy who is in the room and about to boink me. Much more fun than a still pic by far. The same with pussy shots. Much better in person before going down. My experience anyway. (also before getting boinked, doing a BJ but not after an occasional grab-and-twist to see the dude's reaction... seldom happy. But I never injured said appendage.)

And you learned over time that indeed a pic of just a schlong won't cut it for many women. That's totally the right way to go about it. But one ought not say "stupid"--- not in my estimation anyway.