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Musing turned Inquiry: Demanding Relocation

MarkTheVoyager​(dom male)
1 month ago • May 11, 2024
MarkTheVoyager​(dom male) • May 11, 2024
The issue with relocation clearly comes up when a LDR becomes in-person, with or without the dom/sub angle. Plenty of relationships end because of the practical difficulties in finding a way to live together. As with every big life decision, it should be carefully analysed by both parties. A relocation, if taken seriously, has to be done with the intention to make the relationship permanent.

When you consider relocation within a dom/sub dynamic, whatever is the degree of power exchange, the dom certainly does not have the right to 'demand' relocation. For a start, relocation, like submission, is a choice to be taken willingly and with open eyes. A dom should always make the sub's long term well-being as their priority, especially in a relationship in which the aim is to make it permanent. For instance, a sub should become comfortable with the idea of relocating by spending some trial periods in the new location before committing.

In the end, a relocation is mostly a practical issue. I am one of those doms looking for a LTR eventually developing into in-person. For work reasons I cannot relocate. Therefore I would never enter into a relationship in which my partner cannot work remotely at least in part (or be willing be work in my company) so that the prospect of moving her base to me is not remote.

Also, a relocation does not have to be too dramatic. Especially when someone can work (partly) remotely, one can maintain a base somewhere else, while managing to spend a significant amount of time together.