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moll​(other female){owned slav}
3 months ago • Jun 15, 2024
Miki wrote:
Hmm.. First negative feedback I got--- or that anyone had the stones to share.

Then again I seldom revisit threads I have posted to.

I am who I am and I speak my mind.

However I do not recall assailing anyone's particular dynamic. Only in general terms. An "if the rubber fits" kind of thing. Never done any perrsonal attacks on any specific dynamic that I know of except maybe ones that are already sinking ships and one party or the other has yet to figure that out.

I can do that from an "outside looking in" perspective as I have not and will not be in a dynamic. That and relationships. I'm the solitary type, as many can tell.

If someone takes exception to whatever I write, they can feel free to drop me a line. I don't bite.

Or simply ignore me and move on. There are even more candid people in here.

I'll never stop being me.

I am being candid with you. You are welcome to your opinion; I can't stop you, nor will I try. I am just stating candid fact that you have a tendency to tear down people because you don't agree with their choices and dynamics. I've also seen you attack people if you have gotten the very same treatment.

The cardinal rule of any BDSM community is not to tear down people because you don't agree with their dynamic or kink. Well at least in the in-person communities. But whatever. You be you.
Miki​(masochist female)
3 months ago • Jun 15, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jun 15, 2024
moll wrote:
Miki wrote:
Hmm.. First negative feedback I got--- or that anyone had the stones to share.

Then again I seldom revisit threads I have posted to.

I am who I am and I speak my mind.

However I do not recall assailing anyone's particular dynamic. Only in general terms. An "if the rubber fits" kind of thing. Never done any perrsonal attacks on any specific dynamic that I know of except maybe ones that are already sinking ships and one party or the other has yet to figure that out.

I can do that from an "outside looking in" perspective as I have not and will not be in a dynamic. That and relationships. I'm the solitary type, as many can tell.

If someone takes exception to whatever I write, they can feel free to drop me a line. I don't bite.

Or simply ignore me and move on. There are even more candid people in here.

I'll never stop being me.

I am being candid with you. You are welcome to your opinion; I can't stop you, nor will I try. I am just stating candid fact that you have a tendency to tear down people because you don't agree with their choices and dynamics. I've also seen you attack people if you have gotten the very same treatment.

The cardinal rule of any BDSM community is not to tear down people because you don't agree with their dynamic or kink. Well at least in the in-person communities. But whatever. You be you.

.... and who are you to lecture me? (rhetorical question: It doesn't matter a bucket of piss in the ocean at the end of the day.)

Cardinal rule my ass. Maybe in your book and that of a few other somewhat sensitive types. We're human and so long as we don't violate TOS rules in THIS "community" all's fair.

Pity some just can't take it.

Message received: And rejected.


Good bye, Moll, have a swell evening.
moll​(other female){owned slav}
3 months ago • Jun 15, 2024
Miki wrote:
moll wrote:
Miki wrote:
Hmm.. First negative feedback I got--- or that anyone had the stones to share.

Then again I seldom revisit threads I have posted to.

I am who I am and I speak my mind.

However I do not recall assailing anyone's particular dynamic. Only in general terms. An "if the rubber fits" kind of thing. Never done any perrsonal attacks on any specific dynamic that I know of except maybe ones that are already sinking ships and one party or the other has yet to figure that out.

I can do that from an "outside looking in" perspective as I have not and will not be in a dynamic. That and relationships. I'm the solitary type, as many can tell.

If someone takes exception to whatever I write, they can feel free to drop me a line. I don't bite.

Or simply ignore me and move on. There are even more candid people in here.

I'll never stop being me.

I am being candid with you. You are welcome to your opinion; I can't stop you, nor will I try. I am just stating candid fact that you have a tendency to tear down people because you don't agree with their choices and dynamics. I've also seen you attack people if you have gotten the very same treatment.

The cardinal rule of any BDSM community is not to tear down people because you don't agree with their dynamic or kink. Well at least in the in-person communities. But whatever. You be you.

.... and who are you to lecture me? (rhetorical question: It doesn't matter a bucket of piss in the ocean at the end of the day.)

Cardinal rule my ass. Maybe in your book and that of a few other somewhat sensitive types. We're human and so long as we don't violate TOS rules in THIS "community" all's fair.

Pity some just can't take it.

Message received: And rejected.


Good bye, Moll, have a swell evening.

I'm having a lovely evening MikiMikiMiki. ☺️