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what are some features you notice when you've taken a new lover?

whoreviolet​(dom female)
6 months ago • Jun 11, 2024

what are some features you notice when you've taken a n

whoreviolet​(dom female) • Jun 11, 2024
this past weekend i was lucky enough to meet a lovely new girl! i couldn't help but notice all the things that make her physically unique: her gracile throat, the tender, taut weight of her breasts, her radiant flesh, her soft, soft lips... i was in heaven the whole weekend, just putting my mouth all over her and exploring her inside and out.

it all got me pondering. what are the things we notice about new people? and how do we honour their distinctivenesses, hardly content to leave the urgencies of our own thirsts well-slaked, but instead going so far as to let them know that we see and appreciate them, that we feel gratitude for having been invited into the temples of their lovely bodies?

as for me, i am grateful to this person for having allowed me into the temple of her stunning body. i hope she knows that. and i hope she saw that i, too, was vulnerable, however much i was the one providing the structured environment she needed to experience bliss.
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Miki​(masochist female)
6 months ago • Jun 15, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jun 15, 2024
No experience in the "lover" department, just play partners and even that, not at all recently,.

But... hypothetically speaking, and as usual speaking only for myself, "taking on a new lover" goes beyond the physical. In fact, that "area" would have been long since already covered.
What I would look at are personality traits beyond the casual early-dating staples-- what's under the hood" as it were.

Quirks and foibles and how the other half would respond to what they see as mine, and if anything pops up previously unknown that could be problematic.

After all, one puts their best foot forward in the early going. Pics that "show the good side", top-tier behavior in person... Shit like that.

It's after a time and in different circumstances do the other's "other behaviors" show themselves.... Not that those would necessarily be bad, just things they chose not to put on display.


Even though relationships of any sort (beyond regular friendship) are of no interest to me, if they were, , I tend to "look down the road a piece" to see if there are any trees lying across it, hoping to avoid not only the trouble of striking a match that won't light, but to help prevent either one or the other from needless hurt.


The ass paper comes off the roll in two directions: Can they put up with an unrelenting smart as who also can be as serious as anyone else? Can they deal with my physical/communicative limitations over the long haul? Just for starters.

Grow the relationship over time. Revel in the pleasures, accept (or not) that which is seemingly less pleasant.


"But That's Just Me." (Thinking about getting tee shirts printed up with that phrase on them, as I "say" that often)
RoseUndressed​(sub female)
6 months ago • Jun 15, 2024
RoseUndressed​(sub female) • Jun 15, 2024
For me, it is less about a person's physical attributes but their mannerisms. The things that give away their true thoughts. Speaking from my own experience in the past, it has been ...

- The stroking of facial hair when deep in thought.

- The tendency to watch, quietly from a corner, appraising everything going on about them.

- The slight tilt of their head when they find something amusing or interesting.

- The moments of quietness when they are considering an answer to a question.

The same person I noticed these things about revealed similar to me, as the things they most appreciated about me:

- The way I stare off to the left when thinking something through

- The way I get a vacant look in my eyes when my mind wanders

- How I dip my head when working through something, only to stand straighter and taller and chin jutted out defiantly when I have solved it

Observations like this mean far more to me than any adoration of my physical form. But I am someone who sees the body merely as a tool for expression - to convey a thought or feeling, rather than a physical thing.
whoreviolet​(dom female)
6 months ago • Jun 17, 2024
whoreviolet​(dom female) • Jun 17, 2024
great responses, thanks so much for your thoughts. i agree that it's all so much more than the physical dimension -- i just think i was really impressed by this particular individual's body -- i just could look at her for ages... but yes -- the expression and mien, etc, are such a huge part of the entire experience.of a person's energy, and can't be overlooked <3
House Talion​(dom male)
6 months ago • Jun 22, 2024
House Talion​(dom male) • Jun 22, 2024
I primarily take note of their physique as to wether or not I'd find them attractive giving each aspect pluses or minuses for an overall estimate.
6 months ago • Jun 23, 2024
InATimelyFashion • Jun 23, 2024
Mind & Soul. . . .