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Nonsexual D/s

intenseoldman​(dom male)
1 month ago • Aug 18, 2024
intenseoldman​(dom male) • Aug 18, 2024
I think you should focus on what it is you need from the D/s dynamic you crave.

Many, if not most, DD/lg type dynamics are asexual. A grown woman needs validation and love from a father figure, and a father figure needs to protect and nurture a vulnerable bg mg or lg type. Sex in little space would be out of the question. It would violate the whole dynamic. That's not to say some DD/lg dynamics aren't sexual, it's just that the needs are different.

I am in an asexual dynamic with my roommate, a young woman who needs a father figure. I understood early on that her interest in me was not sexual, that she needed a man she could totally trust. Any sexual advances would destroy the deep, intimate, connection we share. Every father figure she ever had, save her biological father, whom she never got to spend enough time with, violated her. I provide her safety and protection along with some light guidance, and in return, I have someone I can nurture, love, and protect.

I hope you are able to glean some answers from all these responses to address your truest needs.
DoseofCam​(sub female){Collared}
4 weeks ago • Aug 21, 2024
Absolutely, a nonsexual D/s dynamic can be deeply fulfilling and beneficial. I was in a DD/LG dynamic, I found it comforting and healing, focusing on the nurturing, supportive, and playful aspects of the dynamic. I did activities like watching movies, playing games, and coloring it really created a strong bond and emotional support, much like any other meaningful relationship.

It's all about what works best for the individuals involved and what aligns with their needs and boundaries.