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Kinky Dreams

Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female){Owned}
3 weeks ago • Aug 24, 2024

Kinky Dreams

I have been having kinky dreams a lot lately. The day before yesterday, I dreamt that Daddy shared me with Rob Lowe and 2 much older men (being shared is a very hard limit). Last night I had a dream about Daddy in a dark cave with a campfire and he beat me, branded me, then used me like I was worthless.

The first dream made me feel icky all day. My mood was low, I felt stress from areas that normally don’t stress me, and I cried when Daddy told me to whip myself (when usually I am desperately begging for it).

Last nights dream has basically put me into sub frenzy, and I feel energized and desperate for something, anything, please make it hard and degrading.

I’m curious to know if other kinky people experience something similar when they have a kinky dream. Are your emotions influenced, do they influence your interactions for the day, do you learn from them? Also, I’d love to hear different versions of kinky dreams!
Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne}
3 weeks ago • Aug 24, 2024
LOVE this post! I have always had very vivid dreams and remember most of them!

Yes, I have had dreams (both kinky and vanilla) that has affected my mood for the day. Even when I remind myself "it was just a dream", if it was very troubling, I just can't shake it off. I usually talk it out with my Daddy and He always tends to comfort me.

One dream I had was I was at Daddy's work. (His colleague is always interested in O/our dynamic). Anyway, while at His work, I was up on a walkway, and Daddy was having me do poses and "stuff" , and then I realized His colleague was watching the whole time. (I'm like you in where I have a HARD NO in sharing - either way). I woke up crying and trembling. It stuck with me for the day. My Daddy didn't mention His colleague for a long time after that 😁

(Rob Lowe? That's kind of awesome, but I still sympathize with you about the sharing thing ❤️)
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House Talion​(dom male)
3 weeks ago • Aug 24, 2024
House Talion​(dom male) • Aug 24, 2024
Most ppl dream of what they want, what they fear , or what they don't know they need. Since I'm sure you'd rather be branded than forced through hard limits have you asked your owner if he has a House symbol?
Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female){Owned}
3 weeks ago • Aug 24, 2024
House Talion wrote:
Most ppl dream of what they want, what they fear , or what they don't know they need. Since I'm sure you'd rather be branded than forced through hard limits have you asked your owner if he has a House symbol?

I have spoken with him about it. He doesn’t have one and we will likely create it together. I haven’t researched it yet because we’re a ways from that, but it is definitely something we both want. I’ll be content to dream for now.
Miki​(masochist female)
1 week ago • Sep 10, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Sep 10, 2024
Never had that problem (twisted dreams) certainly not lately, but then again we only remember a certain percentage of what we dream, so I can't say I never had one or more of those for certain, just none of them made it through the waking process.
The few memorable dreams I have are sketchy and slip away as I try to remember what happened in them.


Dreams and the subconscious mind.. Tricky shit.
bdsamworld​(sub female){collared}
1 week ago • Sep 11, 2024
Having PTSD I can go from having some really great sexy dreams to suddenly it becoming a nightmare. I find it funny one time I remember that I was having this amazing dungeon scene and then it turned into a fear of mine where my partner turned into a clown and the room filled with insects. I find it amazing how the brain works while sleeping. It's fascinating stuff.
Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female){Owned}
1 week ago • Sep 11, 2024
@ Miki I definitely agree, very tricky!

@Bdsamworld The insects would definitely get me. One time I dreamt about a spider crawling in my bed and I was so freaked out that I woke up and had to change out the sheets and blankets to be sure it was spider free 😂
Miki​(masochist female)
1 week ago • Sep 11, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Sep 11, 2024
Thankfully no dreams (remembered at least) starring insects.

Fucking bugs don't scare me they just make my skin crawl.

I did find out through unwanted "research" that I am not allergc to bee/wasp/hornet stings. I was out cutting my grass august of last year and some of those fucks (white faced hornets) decided to set up shop in a hole in the ground. Fortunately I was only stung by 3 of them. The rest must have been on break or something. Needless to say I was done cutting grass for 2023. But no allergic reactions aside from the site of the stings. OTC remedies fixed most of that.

The rest of the insect world just annoy the hell out of me. Could be worse, I could live in Florida. Bleah!