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Let's Learn Spirit Identity

slaveJuliaTgurl​(sub femme)
3 weeks ago • Jan 17, 2025

Let's Learn Spirit Identity

Just a basic forum, can people please teach what they know about following your true spiritual self as a slave, Dominant, Switch, or submissive? How does it relate to the way of humanity? Is True Spiritual Inner Peace possible with BDSM? It can be seen as a special therapy for many, that is what i see it as. It is something that brings me to absolute harmony and peace, the closer i get to my iron collar. So please, if anyone wants to post replies, please teach the newbies about BDSM in these regards, this is the only Forum i will post. I was taught about Dynamics, i know about 1% of it, i have everything to learn, but less for me, more for the new people, because new entrance to the BDSM world is often complicated and clouded, people need direction, to either reach that collar around their neck or that riding crop in their hand. Please share views and perspectives, experience and advice.