'Taken in Hand' (TIH) has its origins in an idealised version of the 1950s mythos of the male head of house hold typed relationship, which unfortunately was often a highly misogynistic, abusive and violent one back in the day. You are right that in recent years there has been a move towards male head of house hold dynamics within some Christian circles, not all though.
The Surrendered Wife (
http://www.surrenderedwife.com/ ), and other off shoots distance themselves from being BDSM, or Fetish related and yet, they dance very close and over the line in my view into BDSM, D/s territory. I think it perfectly ok to create your own version of this, taking the best aspects from the various areas to suit your ex's needs. In order to do this I think you should talk to your ex wife in detail and try and get a clear idea of what she likes and needs and from that info and info taken from the Surrender Wife/Taken in Hand movements + BDSM/Fetish information sources make your own dynamic.
Here is the thing, if everything is discussed, consented to it is not abuse. Many view these activities, BDSM or TIH as abuse, but if there is enthusiastic, fully discussed consent it is not abuse, simply two adults agreeing to an alternative lifestyle to effect all or only some of their relationship.
Its important that this should be fully consensual, enthusiasticly so and practiced carefully. Learn how to hand spank (wearing leather gloves helps with this) and use of a paddle or leather Tawse (traditional school punishment tool) and only those at the start. Canes require a lot of skill to use safely and carefully, therefore I would avoid these at the start, assuming your ex likes the idea of being punished via a cane.
Creating behaviour rules and protcols for her conduct, think about what you would like from her and once you have some ideas discuss them with your ex, she needs to consent to these. There must also be reasonable, proportional punishments relating to the breaking of these rules. Regarding dressing rules, what would you like her to wear. Its as simple as that, assuming she consents to your ideas regarding this you can have a lot of fun in this area. I would say that though as I love dressing and creating looks, it is that aspect of my previous BDSM involvements that led into my making and dressing dolls, my path to dollification.
Use your imagination here, stockings, garter belts, corsets, 50s style dresses, do some research into what was popular regarding 50s styles of clothing. Of course you don't have to go down that path, whatever styles you like, your wife agrees to. This is an opportunity to be creative regarding rules and looks. For example if the lines on the back of her cuban heeled stockings are not straight there could be a punishment, lingerie not matching another, and so on.
Being a Male Head of Household, disciplinarian has some cross over into being a dominant within a BDSM framework, but its also different I think, so I would suggest reading BDSM material, including material from the Spanking/Corporal punishment groups as well as the Taken in Hand material out there. I know this is daunting and scary stuff, a very step learning curve, so take your time and find the path, mix that suits you and your ex's needs.
Here is the thing though, if you are not into this, and many aren't, can't cross from vanilla to this then trying could well be emotionally distructive to you. If you feel you can't do this, or after trying it isn't for you, be mature enough to back out. There is no disgrace in not being into, comfortable with this. Its a complicated topic, with various levels and depths of information and I am aware my reply barely scratches the surface.
I wish you the very best in your journey, and hope the above is helpful.
I hope the links below are helpful.
Useful info here -
http://wikibin.org/articles/taken-in-hand.html, and here -
Some useful info here, but having looked at other articles on the site I personally find their view points abhorent and deeply offensive/misogynistic
A Domestic Discipline Society -
Some useful info here -
https://lovedandspankedwife.wordpress.com/tag/taken-in-hand/ and here -
https://ernieleena.wordpress.com/ and here -
https://pairedlife.com/relationships/How-to-Be-a-Submissive-Wife, and here -
Links to BDSM/Spanking info
Crow Academy (hints and tips on romantic domance) -
Morgan Thorne You Tube Channel (for tips and hints on equipment use) -
Spanking Lines -
Spanking Needs -
The Hip Forum -