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The Partners That Come Before “Him”

submissiveMe​(sub female){Not yet :)}
5 years ago • Dec 1, 2018
LordofPain56 wrote:
It sounds to me like what happened to "SubmissiveMe" is that she originally did not share with her partner any set desire for commitment (monogamy), but as the relationship grew, she may have begun to want to change her mind about that. Perhaps somewhere in between, you were trying to convince yourself that you had no desire for commitment (perhaps for fear of losing him), but in the back of your mind, you wanted more. Maybe you actually did not want to share him.
I'm not saying either casual or commitment is right or wrong. You must decide for yourself, then communicate it to your partner.
Miki​(masochist female)
5 years ago • Dec 2, 2018
Miki​(masochist female) • Dec 2, 2018
Had to chip in 2 cents... Reminds me of "Waiting to Exhale".. Been so long since I have seen it but I think the gist of the flick is.. Don't wait to exhale. Be on the level with the various Doms who come (or sometimes slither) your way ---

(I'm a masochist but if I were a "regular" Sub I would easily qualify as a Brat Sub)

At any rate as a woman who does not do commitments it's easier for me to say than many to do but as posted above, be clear on what's up, that Sir Right is your ultimate goal you gotta breathe in the mean time. Remember any relationship takes time. It's easy to see the surface right away.. "The Good Side" if you will, but time and tide reveal the rest of the individual. Quirks and foibles to put it nicely but we all have them. Falls in the domain of "being human".

But you'll know Sir Right after a period of time-- and not an excessively long period, while you'll know you met a Sir Loin of Pork fairly quickly.
