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Kink Clubs Convo

dollMaker​(dom male)
8 months ago • Oct 10, 2023
dollMaker​(dom male) • Oct 10, 2023
Every club, dungeon, event, has its own rules of conduct, required dress code, play areas, what is allowed and not, equipment etc. I would research the club, if they have their own website read whats there and ask any questions that comes out of that. Some clubs have intro nights/days where its possible to visit, and see what’s what. These sorts of events sometimes include or are built round kink101 introduction events.

These days many clubs, events don’t have a dedicated website but are to be found on a certain website with 10 million profiles, so you may have to go there to find, connect with a suitable club, in your area.

As was mentioned above don’t ever interrupt a scene, however a scene isn’t over till aftercare has been completed as well, so I think when the persons involved are cleaning up, putting away equipment etc, about to leave the play area, that would be a more suitable time, to ask can you talk to them once they are done, and not directly after obvious play stops. Some persons operate a high protocol so ask the top, dominant first, not the bottom, sub. It can be hard to know this cold, so default, to be safe, respectful address dominant first.

I would suggest never playing with, or being put on the spot to play with someone new at a club or event, I don’t think it’s possible in that heady space, short amount of time to negotiate properly or safely enough - others will though disagree - or to figure out, find out if the person is a safe, competent, skilled person.

I have been to a few clubs, though not recently, and bar the social aspect, getting to see new things, maybe if its a learning/teaching event, I have mostly found these experiences to be a bit underwhelming, but I know I am spoiled by having my own playspace, and for those that don’t, clubs are a vital tool for them to explore, which isn’t the case for myself.

Hope the above is helpful.